Sandbox Ascent

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by T4K Shadow, Apr 22, 2009.

  1. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Thanks to o UK Adam o for the video

    Author: T4K Shadow (Destroyer7793)

    Map: Sandbox

    Gametypes: RACETRACKS, you may try other game types such as battle tracks, but I dont know how they play.

    Players: 1-8

    Canvas used: Unlimited by AceOfSpades

    Budget remaining: $0

    Ascent is a smooth, fun racetrack built on the default layer of sandbox. Its 100% cheatproof, but please let me know if you break it. It features some banked turns, a huge slopping hill up out in the dunes, which leads to a jump. Ascent is my second ever serious racetrack, which has taken over 10 hours to make. Dont feel like racing? No problem, just go into the observation tower, from there you can watch the dramatic race unfold in the dunes before you. To enter the tower, just enter the sender node located on the starting square (You must jump to go through, I did this so you dont accidently enter it. You cant go back through the teleporter though, you'll have to jump out the tower and walk back)

    TIP: when your at the top of the hill, just before the corner down to the jump, SLOW DOWN, if you go round that corner to fast will most likely fly off the side of the track.
    TIP 2: When you jump I find that it helps if you look slightly down, to prevent your mongoose pointing up and causing you to fliip when you land.

    Ok, descriptions out of the way, video...check,

    Overview 1:
    Overview 2:
    Overview 3, from top of the hill:
    First corner:
    Second Corner:
    View of the hill:
    Corner 3:
    Corner 4:
    The ramp down to the jump:
    Landing and corner 5:
    Corner 6 and cheat-proof finish line:
    Lap Complete!:
    Observation tower:
    Sender node to observation tower, remember to jump, it wont work if you dont:
    Picture of the floor, very unique:

    Ok, now you have seen Ascent, please give feedback as it is greatly appreciated and helps my maps better, thanks.

    #1 T4K Shadow, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2009
  2. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Omg that look freaking sick, especially the part that goes into the dunes, and the HUGE jump and how there is a observation tower, I don't get the teleporters in the floor though... and though it looks cool, it isn't that curvy more just 180 and 90 degrees stuff and not much changes in elevation, and when there is it isn't curved, jsut a ramp type thing, Well I DL'd because I am probably wrong on something, right now 4.2/5 but, I about to play it.
  3. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    #3 T4K Shadow, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  4. twisted gaming1111

    Senior Member

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    this map is awesome , nice touch with the observation tower
  5. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    this map is great someone tell me how you disable the towers so you dont get shot and die also the idea for an observation tower is great
  6. Slayer34567

    Slayer34567 Ancient
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    this one definetly scales the charts 5/5 i dont see anything wrong with it, its amazing
  7. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    The DL link isn't working for me, can you fix it plox?
  8. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    #8 STWOW, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  9. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    Yes the DL link AT THE BOTTOM is broken... I noticed it too... but the DL link at the very top works just fine... This map looks pretty good You interlocked almost everything and the banks look pretty smooth except for a few parts... Also I don't know if this was intended or not but the part were it drops really fast after the destination will for sure make you jump... If that was intended cool but it looks like there are quite a few unintended jumps... if they are intended then thats cool lol... Pretty good map 7/10
    #9 last_chaos_7, Apr 22, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  10. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Yeh, sorry about that. I've updated both the links now after somebody showed me how to cheat my map. I think it is now 100% cheat proof. Thanks everybody for teh feedback, appreciated.
  11. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    now that I have seen the map some parts are pretty fun but other parts don't work well... such as the turn right before the big jump where I constantly fall off because it turns so sharp really fast... also not many banks in it lol... idk It just doesn't seem as attracing as some of the other tracks... but pretty good job there =)
  12. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Wow, T4K! I mean seriously, how do you make your maps so quickly! This is one good track for ten hours work, and original too. As much as banked skytracks are great, I've seen so many of them that I'm getting a little bored. This is definately something fresh and new, with its ascent into the dunes and go-kart-esque beginning, and I think that, when it comes to racetracks, we should really focus on pushing the new ideas.

    Great Job.


    BTW, is that final banked turn geomerged? I can't tell from the pictures.
    #12 porkstein, Apr 25, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2009
  13. T4K Shadow

    T4K Shadow Ancient
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    Hello Porkstein, i thought you had abandoned forgehub, but obviously not. No the final banked turn isnt geomerged, and thanks for the possitive feedback. I like it when you post on my maps :D.

    And i don't know how i make my maps so quick, i just get an idea and forge it, until i feel that its what i want, then release it to the world.
  14. Agent Quack

    Agent Quack Ancient
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    looks very fun! im going to DL.
  15. mrcleanup

    mrcleanup Ancient
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    Like the track!

    Wish you could have made it a bit longer, but great forging. Love how you used the map geometry to make a dropoff for the track. Keep the tracks coming, just more of the same with using the map geometry, just love tracks like that.

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