New to Forging: Please answer some of my questions?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by tianJinhobo, May 24, 2009.

  1. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    Hey, as the topic says, Im new to the forging aspect of Halo 3. Before, I just mess around and add weapons and what not, but then I found Forge Hub, where people make amazing creations. Now, I have a few questions about 'true' forging, as I like to call it. Thank you in advance.

    1. Can you both merge AND interlock one object?
    2. What is the point of merging?
    3. Can you interlock an object with an already interlocked object?
    4. If you select, end forge session, does your map save?
    5. How do you create 'towers', or circular stacks of boxes?
    6. Can/how do you interlock stacked items?
    8. How do you make a map symmetrical, angles and everything?
    9. Is it possible to control how far down you geomerge an object?
    10. How do you make a racetrack that curves and tilts in mid-air?
    11. Can you merge in sandbox, both main level and skybubble? And is there an object you can use besides doors?

    I created a 1-flag foundry map a while ago, and did not use any merging or interlocking, so it is very bad. However, if someone could take a look at it and tell me how to improve it, it would be much appreciated.

    P.s. I forgot question 6. How do you post maps on this site? My foundry map is on my fileshare.

    Thank you so much again Forgehub!

    P.s.s. I forgot another question: Are there certain techniques that can only be used in certain maps? Also slightly related, is there differences between the boxes used in foundry and the boxes used in sandbox?
    #1 tianJinhobo, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    1. Can you both merge AND interlock one object? Yes, just merge and then interlock, or vice versa.
    2. What is the point of merging? To lower boxes into the ground or walls to prevent grenades from falling between cracks and because it looks nicer. Major gameplay uses.
    3. Can you interlock an object with an already interlocked object? Yes
    4. If you select, end forge session, does your map save? No, you have to save before hand. Watch our for the Round limit of 32 also, so save frequently.
    5. How do you create 'towers', or circular stacks of boxes? ery carefully. Get a guide box/wall and slowly stack boxes, and then repeat with another. It takes alot of times though and its not perfectly round.
    6. Can/how do you interlock stacked items? Make the stacked items not spawn at start, move whatever you want to be interlocked where they were, wait till the stuff spawns.
    7. How do you post maps on this site? Go to, look in your fileshare for the map you would like. CLick the name and when the page loads take the URL (ie. and put it between these tags: [noparse][/noparse]
  3. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    thanks alot. just for clarity, for number 5, do you need to use interlocking?
  4. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Yes, you do. Basically you make one box, set it to not spawn, and put another there with a slight turn in it (like 5 degrees) and then you wait till everything spawns and just repeat.

    It takes alof of items though.
  5. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Well bluejay covered all questions. But for question number seven on how to post, this is a friendly reminder to read posting rules. Make sure you embed a picture, describe your map and link to your maps specific download file not your over all fileshare.

    You may also want to check out the forging 101 thread as well they cover many of your questions in depth and more. Plus they have helpful instructional videos.
    #5 Canadians360, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  6. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    To elaborate on #2, geo-merging can be used to make interesting shapes especially on Foundry. An example of this would be a box lowered to a 1/4 the height of a normal box. This kind of irrelevant with all of the objects on Sandbox, but I thought I'd point it out.
  7. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    That reminds me a good use of geomerging is to slightly lower tubes in sandbox to remove the need to place in tube ramps to get in smoothly. It can also be used to sink open boxes in other maps so players dont go over little bumps when walking through them all the time. This one is relevent on both sandbox and foundry since it saves cash/object count and makes for smoother gameplay.
  8. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the help you guys, but reading one of these posts reminded me of a question I forgot. Are there certain techniques that can only be used in certain maps? Also slightly related, is there differences between the boxes used in foundry and the boxes used in sandbox? Thanks
  9. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    Well first, interlocking and geo-merging can only be used on immovable objects such as boxes or walls. There are ways to use these techniques on movable objects i.e. crates, barriers, pallets, etc., but it is complicated and do no work well. Knowing this, only interlockable and mergeable objects on pre-dlc maps are weapon holders and teleporters.
  10. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    Wow, Ive only just realized how foundry and sandbox truly are the forge maps of halo. Thanks so much for everyone's help! I think I will post my map on the community maps forum and try and get feedback there. Thanks!
  11. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    Few more questions, it seems the more I forge, the more questions I have so please bear with me!

    8. How do you make a map symmetrical, angles and everything?
    9. Is it possible to control how far down you geomerge an object?
  12. MaD CoRuPt1oN

    MaD CoRuPt1oN Ancient
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    8. How do you make a map symmetrical, angles and everything? It can be difficult, but with Foundry you have a somewhat grid on the ground for that, and with Sandbox you physically have a grid to work with. Then once you have that going just make sure everything is lined upby looking at it from every angle just to be safe.
  13. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    8. you should use guides or count object lengths to ensure like angles on sandbox you can just use the grid however. Also if you have to be exact on foundry place a bomb plant point dead center and look at the meters away from it. This is usualy not necissary however.

    EDIT: Ya as said above you can use the square like grid on the foundry floor. It ain't glowin but it's there.

    9. Yes. The distance your object will geonerge will, if done properly, go as far through the map as the same distance as the objects you fused into it to geomerge. The object will push through the map unill the objects you put partialy inside it are totaly out. Say you interlocked a double box into a large box in order to geomerge if you interlock the double box a meter into the top, when you grab the large box it will sink a meter.
    #13 Canadians360, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  14. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    ok so when geomerging you can also interlock to control the distance the merged object sinks? Because so far Ive just been using upsidedown doors.
  15. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Ah I see. Well doors are a bit different since they sort of phase through objects and in a way interlock when the start mooving. Anyways if you want a less steep merge try stacking a few bridges on top of the object you wish to interlock then place the doors on top. This way they don't stick into the object as far so when you geomerge it, it will sink less. If you want it further down simply put the doors back on top and do it again .
  16. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    wow. genius. that will REALLY help me thanks!

    edit: another quick question, thanks to all who have been hanging with me so far. Can you merge in sandbox, both main level and skybubble? And is there an object you can use besides doors? Thanks
    #16 tianJinhobo, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  17. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Main yes skybubble no. Since there is no outside of the map the objects just fall to main. As for door substitutes I'm afraid not you'll have to interlock lock them. However in orbitol I think you could use the doors there like the ones in foundry as far as sandbox goes sorry nothing like a door.
    #17 Canadians360, May 25, 2009
    Last edited: May 25, 2009
  18. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    just looked at Tetra Junction, and theres some really neat interlocking. And just to be clear, when interlocking to geomerge, its just trial and error to see how far in u put the object for the merge, and in order to interlock an object in the air, you set the object on the ground to not spawn at start, the hold the object u want to interlock in the air until the first object spawns?
  19. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Trial and error yes. Interlocking in the air I'm assuming you mean interlocking an object into a wall or something when the objects not on the ground. If that's what you mean I usualy just save and quit to place all the beavers down and set to not place at start then use save quit to get the piece I want to merge into the map. It's one more step over the way you said but it allows you to try again with very little effort since you don't need to redrag your object in place.
  20. tianJinhobo

    tianJinhobo Ancient
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    ok. is there a way that you can know how high the object will be when it spawns, so you know where to place the 'save and quit' object? Thanks so much, btw, youve given me alot of help.

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