This is a random bunch of screens with an effect combo i found that i took earlier. They're nothing special but i wanted to know what you guys think of them. Here are a couple of them: 1. 2. 3. Please comment with honesty.
Hmm im going to say your first one is the best but on the whole they all seem waay too blurry to be enjoyable to look at. keep tryin!!
Yeah, the blur works for the first one, but the other two... not so much. If I'm not mistaken, that is Nova combined with Pen & Ink FX, right? The blur from Nova tends to make things worse, unless you can pull off the right setting, like the first shot.
The first one's nice, my favorite of the 3. There's nothing I really like about the second one, sorry. If the third one had Mjolnir V chest and shoulder pieces and an Assault Rifle over shotgun, I would probably like it. It has a Halo 1 feel IMO. Lemme give you a tip. If you're gonna stage a screenshot, use armor permutations that would fit it. Not just what you usually wear around. It fits the first one because of the grass, but the other two, not so much.
no No its nova + gloomy. Thanks for your comments and tips. I dont take screenshots very often, i mostly spend time making maps so any tips on how i can imporve them is welcome.