Sandbox Over Hard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Gordo24, May 24, 2009.

  1. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    ~Over Hard~


    Over hard is a symmetrical map in skybox designed for team slayer. The map has a fairly basic two base design with some map based strategies. First there is the action bridges (radio towers). Second, on the upper path to the laser spawn there is a destroyable platform that when destroyed makes the jump impossible. The middle area is two leveled with an outer ring of tube and y tube pieces. This is my first map in a while so any comments on construction ideas and fixes will be greatly appriciated.

    Weapons and Equipment

    6 brs
    2 brute shots
    2 shotguns (1 extra clip)
    2 carbines
    2 sentinel beams
    2 maulers (no extra clip)
    1 laser
    1 sword

    8 plasma grenades

    1 bubble shield
    1 shield drainer

    Radio Tower bridge gets you to the man cannon for the laser.

    Base to base view middle of upper path is sword spawn.
  2. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Do those "active bridges" really work? I think they might be a little risky, seeing as they could be blasted off easly from grenades, or just falling off. Is there any way you could secure them, so when they are falling the land in the right spot and stay there?

    Otherwise, looks great :D
  3. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    The way that the bridges are wedged in makes them fall in one direction and they stop when they hit the wireframe even in custom games. also if they are blown away they are set to a pretty quick respawn so they will come back.
  4. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    Ohhh ok. Is there any chance of making some sort of floating cover? That would not only look sweet, but make it so people walking on/near the bridges arent in the wide open
  5. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    The only way to attack someone on the collapsable bridges is to be on them or up on the laser spawn. I see what you are saying but there is just not really a way to get cover without changing key elements that I really like, plus its a challenge and that is what I like about it.
  6. Flying Dice

    Flying Dice Ancient
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    From the screenshots, it looks pretty good. I like the bit about making access to the primary power weapon a challenge. The main concern I've got is the two shotguns with an extra clip each combined with the twin maulers and the sword. Chances are, the main cover areas will see a lot of camping, even if they all have fairly long respawns. This is just a suggestion, but you might want to remove one of the shotguns and the sword, and have the second shotgun as the secondary power weapon.
    Until my 360 gets back from repairs, though, I can only speculate, and apart from that one thing, it looks like a solid map. 4.9/5
  7. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    Thanks for the thought I haven't played to many big numbers games only some 2v2 and it wasn't a problem then but you might be right with more players. I'm always up to play some custom maps mine or other wise so hit me up.
  8. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    i'll try to get a custom game with like 3v3 or 4v4 in to test the spawns and everything but like the first person said i'm kind of worried about those bridge type things with the radio antennas.... but other than that this map looks pretty sweet can't wait to test it =)
  9. Gordo24

    Gordo24 Ancient
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    Let me know how it goes I will be interested in knowing if the bridges were successful in a larger game setting.
  10. BornAcid

    BornAcid Ancient
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    This map looks really cool, some bits a little messy and it does lok as if one part is going of to the side a little, but nevermind looks pretty good. Will have a forge-through later!

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