Download here: : Halo 3 File Details Courtyard is a small, competitive map set up for 1 vs. 1 or 2 vs. 2 Team Slayer or CTF. I know that it's small, but if I get good feedback I'll make a V2 with a second floor. The only things that need to be changed for TS and CTF are: make primary weapon BR or Sniper and take off grenades. Anyway, here are some screenshots. [/URL] Overview of Map [/URL] Centerpiece of Map and Power Weapon, Deployable Cover (there may be a flamethrower in the V2) [/URL] Flag Spawn (is symmetrical). You can either jump on the block jutting out(left) to get the flag, or go into their base and use the grav lift. Please DL and voice your opinion, suggestions, ect. Thanks.
yeah i think a second, or even third story is needed here what you have now looks excellent if there were a weapons list it would help out also if you make a v2 don't put a flamethrower in it would be way overpowered in the close quarters this map provides
Thanks for the feedback. I think I will put a second story in, maybe a third, but if anyone has any ideas on how to keep the illusion that it is a courtyard and still have more floors then feel free to leave suggestions. Oh, yeah, the only thing on here is the Deployable Cover because right now it is too small to have any bigger weapons than a BR.
Yeah. Deffinatly a little small. Spawnkilling would be a very large issue, even for 1v1. I think it would be sweet to make it either longer, or higher. If higher, have at least 3 ways to get up to the next floor. It would be sweet like that. Or making it longer. That would deffinatly be great. Longer, Taller, Wider. Better.
I guess there might be some spawnkilling, but there are sheild doors in the main entrance of each building. Thanks for the input.
I guess Sheilddoors would help prevent majore spawnkilling. But the map is still big enough for a 1 v 1. In Flag, respawns are longer. So whichever team doesnt die, could grab the flag and flag-hop the flag back within seconds. The look of the map is great. Just needs to be bigger. Otherwise its just like playing inside of an open box on foundry.
Also, dont just add a second or third story, try adding more to the base of the map. This is way too small even if it had 3 stories. Maybe some side hallways and a lift sort of like Ivory Tower
Make this map longer and a bit taller with some platforms high up in the walls. I think itd remind me of this really small hallway type map from hal0 1. Dam i forgot what its called... Anyways the map looks clean and neat but is really small
Rename the map, lol. What you have is good, but the map needs more. More pathways, access points, and another level would work. Try something else than a deployable cover in the center, like an overshield, bubble shield, or regenerator. Deployable covers aren't much use in competitive gameplay. Well forged and nice aesthetics, though.
The 3 pictures is not showing really anything to me. All I see is this middle section. It looks really nice don't get me wrong, but give a more better pictures like a FULL OVERVIEW. Remove the roof of you map if you have one and in theater mode fly up as to where you can see the whole map. From there you can take an overview picture. The map looks very nice BTW, the Gameplay flow will probably be good. I will Download and check it out. 3.5/5 PLASMATERIAL
To keep the illusion of "courtyard". Make the map like a large building, and have the more open "grassy" area in the center as the courtyard.
Yeah, it was the quickest name I could come up with. The name will be changed eventually, like in the V2; in order to distinguish it from the many other maps out there called Courtyard.