Sandbox Ring of Fire

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by da wite njnja22, May 23, 2009.

  1. da wite njnja22

    da wite njnja22 Ancient
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    Ring Of Fire


    A map variant made by da wite njnja22

    I made this map after playing a map similar to it on Avalanche. It inspired me to make a simple, yet original, fun filed map. There's not much to say, all you do is either A, throw firebombs at the humans, or B, escape the firebombs for the round Have Fun! It is played well with any amount of players. It is only meant to be played with the incinerator game type.

    Screen shots


    Oh Dear....

    Download Map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details
    #1 da wite njnja22, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  2. Gnarleywalnutt

    Gnarleywalnutt Ancient
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    I would suggest making the platform so you can't fall off of it by making a window out of the half-walls. That should make it so the non-human won't fall off and die if he is frustrated or won't try to jump for the humans by going zamakazi.
  3. Tyberiousfusion

    Tyberiousfusion Ancient
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    When i look at this map, there is one thing that shouts out at me right away.

    Its way too small. it would be very easy to win with the arena being this small.

    Another thing i noticed is that you didn't mention anything about the Incinerator gametype, you should tell the details about it like, is the zombies gravity so high he can't reach the arena and just kill peoplle with the sword.

    One more thing related to the zombie platform, it looks a bit close to the arena, you should make it a bit farther back so the zombie can't cheat.

    2/5 You should make a V2 with a bigger arena and farther platform

  4. Possessed Goat

    Possessed Goat Ancient
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    I agree with Gnarly, but perhaps instead of wall slits, which can be pretty hard to throw out of, you make a \ / shape with a gap wide enough to easily throw out of, but small enough that he cant fit through. Or you can do what Halo Wars did.
  5. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    I like the idea, but I would definitely recommend making it a ring instead of a rectangle. Also, merge the ground so you can walk on it smoothly.

    I do agree with other comments: you should make a bigger platform. If you need help making the ring, message me.
  6. B1gB1rd09

    B1gB1rd09 Ancient
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    You guys should download it before giving assumptions on whetehr or not it's a bad map. The size is actually very fitting, and, providing you don't suck, it actually presents some challenge to the guy throwing the firebombs.

    I played it and I liked it alot. It's one of the funner mini games I've plyed on Sandbox, though I can't say it's all that original. 4/5.

    Oh, by the way, the zombie can't jump to the humans.
  7. Powerslave

    Powerslave Ancient
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    not to be mean, but its more like a rectangle of fire ;), jkjk.
    its a pretty good idea, but i think you should enceal the zombie so he can't go into the pit.
  8. da wite njnja22

    da wite njnja22 Ancient
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    Thank you for your comments, but i don't think making walls around the zombie spawn is necessary. I understand the zombie can jump off but all they would be doing is killing them self, plus putting walls there would make it much more difficult for the zombie to throw the firebombs. And the shape does not effect game play, and i meant to make it a simple map. So before you just judge the map by screen shots you should actually play the map itself. But thanks for the comments and please continue to give constructive criticism. =)
  9. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
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    i think its an origional idea but the playing feild as they say is a little on the small and unskilled side. none the less i like the idea of changing the way we think about halo 3 and like the idea of origionality greatly! good idea but imo needs to be extended and depthened(?)
  10. da wite njnja22

    da wite njnja22 Ancient
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    Thanks, and i see where you are coming from, and it could be extended, however i just tried to make a simple mini games map that is fun to play on. Thanks again for your comments.
  11. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    I now think that you should probably just make it a RING of fire. I think it would fit the name better and it wouldn't change gameplay that much. Actually, i think it would improve gameplay.
  12. halomcownage

    halomcownage Ancient
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    what would make it more fun and daring would be to cut out the floor and make them run around the rectangle path so it would be more challenging
  13. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Naw, it definitely wouldn't. I played it today, I have to say this map is amazing. My friends urged me to play it again, and i did. It's a fun concept and the size is perfectly perfect for this game. Every nook and cranny can be hit by the firebomb grenades, so there can't be any cheaters also. Great idea, great aesthetics to match the theme, and great job altogether.

    What I might end up doing is putting some buildings way far out there just as aesthetic visuals for the map.
  14. da wite njnja22

    da wite njnja22 Ancient
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    i am now in the process of making a version 2 and the map will be in a ring shape, and i will post as soon as possible, thanks for your help and criticism.
  15. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    this is a great idea but the zombie or watever he is, can just jump down and kill. try putting tube ramps facing up and have the zombie have 200 gravity. it doesnt look like he needs to jump and if you interlock the tube ramps it will look alot nicer than wall halfs or something. also interlock the actual map. looks kinda rushed. but good idea.

    My best map **** ZOMBIES

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