Map Title: Devastation Devastation is a small 2-8 players symmetrical map with its main focal point being the sniper perch, or tower. It resembles as a snowbound like level (Oh no) but it doesn't play like snowbound because players are more forced to move around the map. The map start with opposing teams spawning relatively close to each other. On the straight path to the other base a Rocket Launcher is located in between the bases on a slightly raised platform. Another quick way is through the shotgun tunnel but it is a little more round about. And the third main path is 90 degrees to the sniper tower. This usually causes everyone to quickly scatter across the map. Each base is armed with a Carbine and a Brute Shot. Two small bases are located in the other corners of the map. They each contain a needler and a Plasma Rifle on top Best for Team Slayer/FFA. I really tried to take advantage of the symmetry feature and made the one bomb and one flag play drastically different from two. In two flag you go across bases while in one flag the attacking team starts at the sniper tower when the defenders start in the shot gun tunnel. Same goes for bomb. Impossible to get out of! (Even with low gravity, gravity lifts.) Overview Top of the middle area Under the middle area (shotgun tunnel) Blue base Corner base(1 of 2) Download Devastation Please support my map by commenting
This looks like a good play. Very nice interlocking. This is my style of map. DL 1! (?) Edit: The link isn't working
the layout looks pretty nice... but in your second picture. whats that fence contraption box thing for? can u get up there somehow?
Just for Aesthetic value, the wall looked really empty so I decided to just throw on box there. lol And you cannot get on top of it.
i look that you interlocked almost all of it, makes it very smooth. it looks good and clean, i like how you used large open areas above and small close combat area's underneath. so i'm going to d/l when i get my xbox back, and come back to add a little more input
I very much enjoyed playing this from the beginning. Testing was always fun, I'm glad to see the final version turned out this well.
This looks very nice. I'ma see how smooth the main surface REALLY is, but it looks like you spent a lot of time working on this.
Good to know, thanks for all the testing Thanks, I spent a lot longer than most testing to see how each gametype worked best, weapon placement, and for other little bugs.