Pre-DLC Complexity

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Pel, May 24, 2009.

  1. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    The Map:
    Designed for use with the "Onslaught" gametype, Complexity is the sequel to my previous map, Redemption, also designed for use with "Onslaught". This variant of The Pit has added cover, changed respawns, and blocked rooms. This was co-forged with me by Penguin Assassin.

    Each team's main spawn

    Sniper Towers have been turned into Territories.

    Camo Spawn has been turned into Territory 1/Overshield Spawn(Overshield gives you 5 seconds of invincibility due to the game settings.).

    Middle Bridge Territory

    Back Hallway Territory

    Ammo Droid(gives you more grenades)

    Blocked Rocket Hall

    Easter Eggs!!!

    Action Pics!:

    The Gametype:

    Onslaught is an original Land Grab Variant I've created. Players start off with Plasma Pistols, grenades, and their fists. Don't fret- Plasma Pistols will kill in four shots. Players cannot pick up weapons, so once you have thrown both of your frags, that's it. It somewhat resembles Star Wars: Battlefront. Players also cannot dual-weild their lethal Plasma Pistols, which is a good thing.

    Game Traits:

    Player Traits:

    Shields and Health:

    Damage Resistance: 50%

    Shields: No Shields

    Weapons and Damage:

    Damage Modifier: 300%

    Primary Weapon: Plasma Pistol

    Secondary Weapon: None

    Grenade Count: Map Deafault

    Grenade Regen.: Disabled

    Infinite Ammo: Enabled

    Weapon Pickup: Disabled


    Player Speed:110%

    Player Gravity: 150%

    Vehicle Use: Full Use


    Motion Tracker: Off


    Active Camo: Off

    Waypoint: Teammates Only

    Forced Color: Off

    Territory Settings:


    Territory Capture Time: 15 seconds

    Sudden Death: Unlimited

    Time Limit: 15 minutes

    Rounds: 1

    Grenades on Map: Default

    Weapons on Map: None

    Vehicles on Map: Default

    Friendly Fire: Off

    Defender Traits(traits you get when stading on a Territory your team controls):

    Forced Color: White

    Attacker Traits(traits you get when stading on a Territory your enemy controls or a neutral Territory):

    Forced Color: Black

    Custom Powerup Traits:

    Duration: 3 seconds

    Weapon Pickup: Enabled

    The Custom Powerup will be sitting on a weapon holder along with certain grenades. This is supposed to resemble SW:BF's Ammo Droids.

    Respawn Traits:

    Respawn Modifiers:

    Synchronize With Team: Enabled

    Respawn Traits:

    Duration: 3 seconds

    Damage Resistance: Invulnerable

    Forced Color: Orange

    I am currently working on a map to fit this gametype. Basically, there will be nine structures- each team's main base, two corner bases for each main base, a centerpiece, and an arch-like bridge on either side of the centerpiece. Each seperate structure is a Territory. The idea of the game is to hold as many structures as possible until the 15 minutes is over. Oh, and one minute into the game, each main base gets two mongooses. Three minutes into play, each main base gets a Prowler(Trust me, they're not very overpowering. A well placed Frag Grenade will blow them up!).

    Please provide your thoughts about this gametype, as well as ways you think it could be improved. I'm open to everyone's thoughts.

    Easter Egg Completionists:
    The following have notified me that they have found all the easter eggs on Complexity:
    -Penguin Assassin

    If you think you have found them, message PELGORE on XBL.
    #1 Pel, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 26, 2009
  2. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    Uh i can't read half of your post can you please be considerate of oldschool users and part of it i could read said plasma pistol kills in four shots is that charged or not.
  3. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    I fixed it so ye olde Oldshoolers can see it.
  4. Callum

    Callum Ancient
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    Hey pel long time no see. Was wondering if you had a reason for forging on the pit. It is nice to get something different now and then though. Anyways you map looks pretty good , Im not so sure about all the mongooses and I'm pretty sure you can't get the ghosts out but if you can forshame. I already downloaded and I really liked the hallway blockade and sword room blockades, the idea of using camos to hold them in place is genious. It must have taken some time to set those blockades up, but the look smooth and as far as I could tell were unbreakable. Nice job.

    BTW: You should take the pics out of the spoilers it's kind of unessisary.
    #4 Callum, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  5. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    Hey buddy give me some credit to :p.
    The ghost and the mongoose get blown up by 1 grenade, so you can't hit them out like that. Also there are about 5 other less obvious easter eggs hidden around the map. Theres a hidden ghost that's not in the base, and if you find it i will personally give you a million dollars and infinite girlfriends. I had a ball forging this with you Pel,This map is very close to me because i found out that i have an uncanny skill to stack crates.

    Oh yeah, charged shots don't have any effect outside of giving you a flashlight if your scared of the dark.
    They have a EMP effect, which knocks out the power of the shields and vehicle engines. Since you have armor in this gametype it has no extra effect.
    #5 penguin asassin, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  6. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    I really like forging on Pre-DLC maps because no one else does. It's like people think that you're retarded or something if you don't forge on Foundry or Sandbox. They don't realize that the other maps have a lot of potential, too.

    You can thank Canadians 360 for those wonderful barricades.

    I don't remember that one. Can I haz teh infinite girlfriends?
    #6 Pel, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  7. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    'Twas nothing between pals. As forgeing on a pre DLC map I totaly agree with you. There is more to do in the maps than you think don't just cast them asside if anything pre DLC maps force authors to push their creativity and forging abilities even further. I like a change of pace from the same two forged maps all the time. I have to say the gametype is originol as far as making it like star wars battle front goes and I really like your amo droid idea. They slow grenade spaming and draw players to parts of maps they wouldn't normaly go. As for the vehicles I'm sure all the plasma pistols will make the mongoose a lot more risk than reward. Penguin you did say there was another ghost is it drivable? If so I'm not sure about that decision since high gravity = lots of splaters. Anyways you guys did a great job on the map. Very originol & very fun and I was glad I could help a little.

    Note: blocking off the blue room and rocket hall were not my idea I just made the barriers.
  8. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Nope, you can't drive them.
  9. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Can the person who finds all the Easter eggs get their name on the map post. Knowing Pel right now it would have to be posted in a spoiler but still it would be a good healthy compatition. I'm not sure if I'm eligible for it but it sounds like a fun compatition to me.
  10. Pel

    Pel Ancient
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    Sure, Canadians. That sounds like a great idea. I'll update the post now. And by the way, it will be in a spoiler. Who would've guessed?
  11. DeadEye95

    DeadEye95 Ancient
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    ooo this looks good pel i like it more than ur narrows one and it plays real nice. i like how u made it on a predlc map insted of sandbox. that is cool maybe instead of blocking rooms off you could have made it on snadbox. i really like this and i hope my post is not spam.
  12. Pel

    Pel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You know, re-making this in the Crypt isn't such a bad idea. I may give it a try.

    P.S.:I'm pretty sure that your post isn't spam.

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