Sandbox Artifact

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Spanko, May 22, 2009.

  1. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
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    Artifact is a symetriical map best suited for 6 - 16 players. It supports all game types for up to 4 teams. Recomended gametypes are Team Slayer, Multiflag CTF and Neutral Bomb. I also recomend BR + AR starts.


    The map consists of two opposing bases separated by a large central structure and smaller structures and objects spread across the main floor to act as cover. Both bases and the central structure feature 2 levels. The lower levels are aimed towards Close Quarters combat while the upper levels are best suited for BR/Carbine use and map control. The upper levels of the bases are conected to the central scructure by bridges, meaning it is possible for a player to traveres the whole map base to base without touching the ground, however as the bridges offer very little cover this is not allways the best option.

    Weapons, Equipment, Vehicles

    Item, Respawn Time, Spare Clips
    x12 BR, 10s, 2
    x6 Carbine, 10s, 2
    x2 SMG, 60s, 2
    x2 Plasma Rifle, 60s
    x2 Plasma Pistol, 60s
    x2 Brute Shot, 60s, 2
    x2 Mauler, 90s, 2
    x2 Needler, 90s, 2
    x2 Rockets, 120, 1
    x2 Missile Pod, 180s
    x1 Shotgun, 180s, 2

    x10 Plasma Granades, 60s
    x4 Frag Grenades, 30s
    x2 Power Drain, 120s
    x2 Bubble Shield, 120s
    x2 Regenerator, 120s
    x1 Grav Lift, 60s
    x1 Overshield, 180s

    x2 Warthog, 120s
    x4 Mongeese, 90s
    x2 Ghosts, 180s





    Central Sctucture

    Top Mid

    Ramp to Top Mid and entrance to Bottom Mid

    Bottom Mid



    Bottom Base

    Thanks for reading, constructive critisism is welcome.

    If anyone plays a full 4v4-5v5 game of TS, Multiflag or Neutral Bomb on this map, please could you save the video and send it to me as I will be submitting this map to atlas. Unfortunatly I cant get on xboxlive to get gameplay videos. Thanks. My GT Sp4nk0 (<--zero)
    #1 Spanko, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  2. CookieMan

    CookieMan Ancient
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    Aesthetics? Good. Layout? Great. Name? Leaves a little to be desired.
    I like the curving bridges, and the interior looks good. I'd say this has a fair chance of becoming a featured map!
    Epic win.
  3. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    I have to agree here with cookie, this map is fenomanol with great aesthetics and overall well made with god interlocking and an insane curved bridge! 5/5
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Perhaps tone it down with the weapons. 14 BR's are a little bit too much...

    Aesthetic wise, I really like it. Everything looks very smooth, and I imagine that the multilevels would be great for CTF. I like the structures, especially the one in the middle, I find it 1337. Pretty good, but maybe trade the shotty for a mauler.
  5. Wyjies

    Wyjies Ancient
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    You can never have too many Br's Besides that i agree with everything said above. Great map good interlocking cant wait to play it.

    On another note this should certainly make it into matchmaking, in fact if you havent sent it off to atlas DO SO NOW!!!
  6. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
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    Thanks for all the feedback. Keep it coming.
  7. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Ok, this is easily one of the 5 best ground-level maps on Sandbox. The bases are really good, and I love the winding upper pathways. The middle is forged to perfection imo. The inner section of the middle is great. I can see many great close combat encounters happening down there. There seems to have adequate cover all around the map and I like the two little side "bunkers". I'll make sure I get some games on this map and let you know how the gameplay is. I do think that 14 BRs is a little excessive though. Maybe 10 at the most, but I'll have to see how the games actually go.
  8. Beeny95

    Beeny95 Ancient
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    What the hell is going on? All the newbies are creating awsome maps! Thats a compliment btw. The map is amazing and it makes is UUUber amazing since it's your first post. 5/5 for asthetics, as for gameplay let me download it forst...

    II ELITE II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is definitely one of the best ground level maps I have seen lately, the design and layout of the map is original and looks fantastic. All the merging looks really smooth and there is a good balance between cover and space for the vehicles to move. I'll check it out and see if I can find anything else to comment about 4.5/5 for now.

  10. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
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    Cheers for all the good comments. It makes the hours of forging even more worthwhile.

    I may have gone slightly over board with the BRs, I'm going to remove 2 BRs and 2 Carbines. I dont think 12 BRs is too much, considering the map is mostly quite open.

    I will have the updated map online on monday, I cant get on Xboxlive untill then.

    If you would like to see Artifact in matchmaking I need full game videos of Team Slayer, Multi Flag and Neutral Bomb, before I can submit to Atlas. Unfortunatly, for reasons I wont bore you with, I am currently unable to get them. If anyone does play at least a 4v4 of these game types and woudn't mind sending me the videos, that would be very much appreciated.

    Thanks again
  11. Jacks Frosties

    Jacks Frosties Ancient
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    Wow. this is one of the best maps Ive seen. Im downloading right now. 5/5
  12. Wally12

    Wally12 Ancient
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    Same goes for me. This map looks awesome and is neatly forged from what I can see. DL from me. 5/5.
  13. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    In all honesty, this is one of the most neatly done Sandbox maps I've yet seen that utilizes the middle floor. Your pictures do an outstanding job of showcasing the map's various areas, and I am quite excited to play this at our next Cutting Edge game night! Excellent work, and I will give you a full review after I've played some games on this baby.
  14. Runic Aries

    Runic Aries Ancient
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    I really love this map, im definatly downloading it, the bridges are a great idea and I love the centerpeice. I am actually surprised that there aren't any warthogs on the map however. anyways 5/5 for you.
  15. SmartAlec13

    SmartAlec13 Ancient
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    I see your looking to post this in Atlas? Good idea. The map looks great! I actually was going to make a map like this. I love the curved bridges.

    And 12 BRs might be a little much. I know everyone loves to have a BR, but 12 might be much. Just reccomend to players that BR starts would be better?
  16. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
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    There are warthogs. Theres 1 by each base, just next to the lower side entrance, below the bridge.

    Thanks alot. Ill apply to join on the next game night. If I dont make it though, would you mind sending me the game videos? I really want to get this on atlas. Cheers
    #16 Spanko, May 24, 2009
    Last edited: May 24, 2009
  17. Plasmy

    Plasmy Ancient
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    Ooh this one looks fun! Another good map that I see on the Main Level of Sandbox. You took some very great ideas and stuck them into your map. I love those catwalks that you made that take a player to the middle.

    My suggestion is to take one of the Ghosts out, or put them at their respected side. Because a Team can split up to both sides and take BOTH of those ghosts.

    Very nice map BTW, look foward to seeing a video on it on my YouTube channel H3Forge

  18. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
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    Artifact has now been updated to lower the amount of BRs and Carbines.
  19. Jacks Frosties

    Jacks Frosties Ancient
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    Hey, we jus played sum games on this map n it was awsome. would be cool with a sniper tho. This should get featured man!
  20. Spanko

    Spanko Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cheers, glad you enjoyed it. I did think about putting snipers in, but I decided against it because there is a huge sand dune over looking one of the bases but not the other. This would make gameplay very unfair as one team would be able to get up there and snipe into the base.

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