A youtube video [media]YouTube - Hyperbeam v 2 Halo 3 Rollercoaster Racetrack In Sandbox[/media] hERE IS SOME SCREENSHOTS a portal to the racetrack [/URL] The start line [/URL] The first ramp (you need to drive carefully at the top) [/URL] A backflip with perfect landing [/URL] A jump secuence [/URL] A mongoose crusher and a travel around the sun [/URL] A sorpresive ramp (download it and you will know why) [/URL] A cork screw in 90 grades [/URL] [/URL] a wallride [/URL] Another travel around the sound [/URL] A insane curve to... [/URL] A jump in reverse! [/URL] A underview [/URL] And an overview [/URL] I hope you enjoy it If you dont like it give it a chance please! download it Here is the download link Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Well, thats all check my Other racetrack Infinity All right E.U.A: gamers your mexican friend alextreme picuz says bye PD: tHIS TRAC K WAS MADE bY aLEXTREME PICUZ LOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
I absolutely love survival tracks to challenge my driving skills and this looks like one of em' I know I'll DL
[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGuoDKwVqtI [/media] here you can just embed your video with [ media]link here[ /media]
THIS MAP LOOKS AWESOME! Actually, it looks really similar to a map called mushroom gorge, but this is better. Definitely gonna dl. Also, on the second turn around the sun, you said sound (not sure if this was intentional or not)
Some of the forging looks a litle messy, but overall, it looks really long and fun. I'll give her a good playtest and get back to you with better feedback.
It looks nice, lots of cool twists, turns, and great use of mancannons/shield doors. I know that it would take a long time to clean up, but try to make it look as good as you can. Until then, 3.5/5.
I'm sorry, but I played this map, and it just pissed me off lol. I made the beginning one in every 5 tries. I never even finished the map, and I'm very good at mongoosin'. The forge job was bad, as the first jump you hit after the climb, you never land correctly. I ALWAYS landed, jerked, and spun out. I had to go back up the ramp, and back down if I wanted to pass the next turn around the killball. Also, the part I never passed was the shield doors. Pure hatred for those shield doors. I couldn't figure out what the hell I was doing wrong but I never made that part. Didn't even get to see the rest. This map was challenging to the forge job, I like my maps to be challenging due to the sharp turns dangerous curves. I can see, however, that if a WAY cleaner version of this map was made, it has a chance to be pure ecstacy.