Welcome to my post, where i am going to tell you about my new map, Europhorica. Signing out "bravowolf77" This is an overview of the map, you can see veracious places that i have created for game play, the sniper tower is offset so you get a better view of the shotgun spawn. power tower Sniper spot Inside sniper spot If your lucky enough you can get a grenade down here and take out the sniper. Looking at the tunnel Thanks for your time please download and comment. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Just to let you know, the banshees look like they will be powerful but they only respawn every minuet, and there is plenty of cover for you to hide, also they can be taken down easy before anyone gets to them as there is a fusion coil that knocks them off the map when it is blown up.
looks fun and smooth, very well forged unsure about the teleporters and see no point in sticking out like a sore thumb also the telporter kinda ruins the aesthetics but its just my opinion and open to discussion. Overall good map!
I must correct, the second to last picture seems to have some lack of smoothness. It is corrected easily by adding tube ramps. Other then that, this map looks really fine and seems to have a good gameplay! Also not many people would like the banshee, because of its power and might. But it's fine for me!