Sandbox RvB Pyramid

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by RAYZOR 1987, May 23, 2009.

  1. RAYZOR 1987

    RAYZOR 1987 Ancient
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    RvB Pyramid is an aesthetic structure focusing on the possibilities for new and experienced forgers alike, as well as having a simple competitive base format for team slayer and objective. (CTF prefered)


    Although the Pyramid itself does take out a large portion of the center, the layout does have its advantages for a smooth flow around the structure




    Each side is equal with weapons, and one warthog allowing faster gameplay, and so that one team is not overpowered by the other and this is where the Pyramid comes into use

    Like Valhalla's hill top, the Pyramid structure allows teams to use their strategies to further their progression towards the other side and keep a steady line of defense however the weapons inside the temple are more overpowering. The weapons inside are:

    Mauler: 2
    Shotgun: 2
    Gravity Hammer: 2
    Spartan Laser: 1

    Equipment: two gravity lifts, and regenerator

    accessing the top will give a team full advantage of opportunities to strike the opposing team from above




    <a href=>DOWNLOAD HERE</a>
    #1 RAYZOR 1987, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  2. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
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    OMG i love it its got a huge aesthetically brilliant centre piece looks hectic and fantastic and looks like it took alot of work and planning Also i think it was a good call not putting in the sniper because someone could just camp onto and annialate the other team. the lazer i a better idea good call!
    #2 II cyanide II, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  3. DarkIce Dragon

    DarkIce Dragon Ancient
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    I really love the aestetics on this map, when i saw the title I was like, no not another piramid, but this one is actually quite original and very cool! The whole map build around it really finishing the map and bettering the gameplay makes it worth a 5/5. Although there's not such thing as a good base the center piece really is important for me giving it a 5/5!
  4. cheese and fries

    Senior Member

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    Looks nice but how good is the gameplay? the map reminds me of aztec ruins or know the mexico pyramids?

    Anyway yea, exactly how good does this piece of crap play (jk lol)
  5. Hunter85792

    Hunter85792 Ancient
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    Hmm... the bases look like the only problem. There's something about them, maybe add a few slit walls/half walls to the front. Apart from my random dislike of the main bases this looks like a very nice map. The pyramid is a bit too tall... alright I'll stop nitpicking. Keep up the great forging!
  6. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    good looking map. with the center on the top, it seems like it can be a little to over powering if holding the sniper. it looks like theres a lot of area to scope out up there, with a little to much room, but i havnt tryed it or seen a game play, so yea, i dont have alot of room to talk. with the bases, i would have to agree with Hunter. Maybe a little more for some gameplay. i do like the design of the back of the bases though for some reason. but good job with the map.

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