iv been thinking, why is there a budget in the game? why would bungie want to limit the amount of objects that can be forge? when i first started to forge on halo 3, i always wanted more objects, more things to forge, but i thougt for a while, and then came up with an explanation, "probably because the game cant handle that many objects" but now, theres sandbox, u can forge A LOT more objects now, but has the game changed? no, so wut this means is that it was capable of handling this many forge items from the start. so, wuts stopping bungie from putting even MORE items on the forge list?
Too many objects would cause immense lagg on online games - but also offline games. Just because it's too much to handle; that's why Bungie sets limits, so that the experience remains enjoyable.
Some maps like Last Resort have switches or parts of the map are moving (windmill) or they have animal life, which causes lag, etc. When Bungie released Forge, they didn't expect people to use it as a full on map editor, they just thought they would use it to switch around weapons or something. When Bungie realized this, they came out with the Heroic Map Pack, specifically Foundry, with immovable objects, more forge items, more possibilities, etc. and waited awhile to see how Foundry fared in popularity. The Legendary map pack, was a sort of strategy that Bungie used to help the Mythic map pack gain popularity and anticipation, at least that's how I see it. Or they just wanted to see how players would react to the present environment already around them, and see how they would adapt. Sandbox, was designed specifically for Forge, and built from scratch to suit Forgers needs, which explains the object limit.
it makes the game lag..... sandbox does lag because there's always a lot of objects, that's why there's not many sandbox maps in mm.