It's old news, but I just found out today. The game takes place during Halo 2's time line. Remember when the prophets ship opened a wormhole thing in New Mombassa and everything blew up, and Masterchief followed them? ODST takes place in the destroyed city...or at least starts there. AN ODST drop pod came down a little late or something and landed there. Also if you're one of those idiots waiting for Legendary Maps to be ships with not free, but if you're getting ODST anyway, then it kinda is. All other maps come with it too. Mythic, both parts, legendary, cold storage, heroic, whatever. I have to go borrow H2 from my friend to go see the storyline. The Legendary Maps shipping free is good news to a lot of my friends. I'm constantly hearing "Oh, boot this fgt he dun has maps! " from a lot of people these days.
I posted it because I just found this stuff. And apparently so did more than a couple people. I've heard the release date is actually in September. I've heard more than one date though....the 1st, 24th, and no clue yet. In Halo 2, the level is Metropolis, the end of that level is when the ship warps out destroying the city.
There's also a bunch of trailers for it too. Supposedly the brutes arrived shortly after the Prophet left, but the Prophet of Regret only trusted the Elites.
Well i knew the storyline before but free maps is always a good thing for cheapskates out there. Maye theyll release in November like halo 1 and 2 or september to avoid getting lost in the holiday dumpload of games
Im so hyped up for this game. Most people just want ito to get recon. True, I do want recon, but I also want ODST (or Recon) so I can play it. I will keep going to to check up on it.
All map pakcs come with halo 3: ODST. -original maps -heroic -legendary -cold storage -mythic did i forget any?
I really doubt you can, I'm sorry. I'm like 90+ % sure that it ships with it. It won't be a code, it'll just be there, like last resort, or sandtrap on Halo 3. Ships with it.
Didn't forget ^^ They are mythic. I should have mentioned it again though. (but it is on the first post i think)
happeh fase. Alrighty. I don't think any more comments are needed in this thread. Other than questions. it's pretty self-explanitory. I feel like it's spam now. So......yeah. I'm done here unless someone asks something.
It's also been confirmed you play as 'Rookie' from an ODST squad, and you have too find out what happened too the rest of your squad.