
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by G-Bag, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    ***Link to Video***

    This is the first release of the Grav Bag Collection, brought to you by II 4FACE II. Watch the video for gameplay/map details, to download this map and the two gametypes, please go to II 4FACE II's file share.

    Stay tuned for more releases in the near future!

    *SPECIAL NOTE* You must download one (or both) of the supported game types from my file share to play this map correctly. 'Grav Derby King' is the FFA variant, and 'Team Grav Derby' is the team version.

    *The Gravity Hole*

    This map/game is a KOTH variant featuring an elevated hill inside of a "gravity hole." The gravity hole is built to hold in vehicles very well and players that are not on vehicles, not so well.. it is an array of man cannons and grav lifts lined with energy shield doors. There is a floor of teleporters underneath the energy floor to put players who fall through on foot back to the spawn area.

    *The Hill*

    Players start out spawned with plasma pistols and gravity hammers, all for manipulating vehicles in one way or another. There is 0% damage output for players and the only way to kill is to assassinate (cannot be prevented) and to splatter. There is a FFA version and a team version to be played on this map.

    *View From Spawn on 'A' Side*

    Players can use the gravity hammers to eject enemies from the hole, or they can simply steal their vehicle from them on the inside (careful not to get splattered inside the hole on foot hehe). There is also a stationary gauss cannon in the back of the hill positioned to knock players out of the hole and to keep them from getting to the hill by covering 2 of the 3 ramps that lead up to it.

    *Stationary Gauss Cannon*

    It is kind of an abstract game and hard to explain, so please watch the video linked above to give you a better idea of how it is played.

    Thanks for playing!!
    #1 G-Bag, Mar 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2008
  2. 343GuiltySpark343

    Senior Member

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    Re: Gravitation - Grav Bag Collection #1 - with gameplay video!

    This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic
    on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
  3. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    Re: Gravitation - Grav Bag Collection #1 - with gameplay video!

    well i read it and thought it did, all except for the linking to the post of my stuff and not a file share... i am not allowed to post on until the 15th of april so i cannot do that.. ill reread it tho to see if there is anything else.
  4. Spartan1357

    Spartan1357 Ancient
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    Someone obviously cant read.
  5. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
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    Lol, if you did read that then either you have forgotten half of it or you are just stupid...
  6. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    wow what a welcoming community.

    you make me reconsider even posting here. way to go. i'm sure your other community members appreciate how you treat noobs here.

    anyways, if you'd be so kind, oh great and wise forgers, as to point out my mistakes, id be more than glad to fix it for you.

    And might I just add, that I am oh so flattered, that you'd use your second post, to come in here and tell me how I can't read. Thanks for the special attention.

    As far as I can tell, the only thing I am missing here is screenshots??

    I believe a video with moving screens will suffice?? Well, you see, that has been here all along.

    Ok then great, now you can all go on about your obviously very important and meaningful lives.

    Have a nice day.
    #6 G-Bag, Mar 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2008
  7. Spartan1357

    Spartan1357 Ancient
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    Touchy are we?
  8. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Community rules state that you must include embedded screen shots.

    So even if you put a video you must put pictures in the post to.
  9. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok then, if it is an ABSOLUTE rule that you MUST embed screenshots, I will do it in a bit. I do not see why that would be a rule, seems totally ridiculous, but w.e.

    And now that I have conformed and complied, you can all stop spamming my thread with juvenile statements, thanks.

    I hope everyone around here isn't as much of a **** as the few inconsiderate people who posted in this thread, if so, I will not be around here much longer, and it will be your loss.

    and toonshorty, friend.. is spelled like that ... f r i e n d

    i can read that just fine.
  10. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh yea, btw...

    you cant triple post either
  11. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    Why is it so hard to find a mature internet community? Where are all the people who respect other people? Is the world truly full of this much garbage?
  12. toonshorty

    toonshorty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude, your the one with the problem...

    If you dont follow the rules this is the kind of response your going to get
  13. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's you're, not your.

    And oh?? I read the rules. It does not specifically say that you MUST have screenshots. Excuse me for thinking a video would be all of that and more. Which it is.

    And I did not provoke insults and flames bc I am not familiar with this forum. You did that. Call me stupid? Say I can't read? Juvenile at best.

    Sorry kids, but I am far from stupid, and as you can plainly see, I read ten times better than you do. You cannot even use contractions properly or spell the word friend.


    Doesn't look like I have the problem here. My problem was I didn't understand the necessary format, hardly a reason to sling insults.

    Unless that's what makes you feel good. Which it must.

    Screenshots incoming.

    So, now that I have met the requirements for posting my map, does anyone care to comment on the actual map/game??

    #13 G-Bag, Mar 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2008
  14. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Who cares? This is the internet, not English class. When people said you can't read they were talking about reading the rules which obviously you missed something, they never said anything about or caring about someone's grammer and/or spelling.
    Yes it does. In the topic that tells you how to post your map:

    As for the rest, yes the people who posted comments did so pretty stupidly. After the first person posted the link to the "How to Post a Map" thread, people should have left it at that. Although next time try to read the rules a little bit more fully. The Forum rules include no triple posting either, just edit the post before so you don't post 3 times in a row.

    Everyone, lets leave it at that.

    I'll check out the video of the map and see how it looks.
  15. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya let's just leave it..

    Ya I misunderstood. Ya the nets flamed me. I'm over it (was never actually under it) so we can all get on with our lives.

    From now on I will post like this and all will be well with the world. Now let's get back to fun :)

    :squirrel_grouphug: <--- Us
  16. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Unfortunatly, I'm a goose not a squirrel so I'm not in that group hug.

    Anyways, the map looks interesting. I was wondering though, how often do you actually get killed or something happens that gets you out of the hill?
  17. G-Bag

    G-Bag Ancient
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    aside from the crazies who straight up ignore objectives to try and assassinate people all match...

    It is relatively easy to stay balanced in the hole alone.. but once you throw in 4 ghosts and a few mongeese, it gets hectic.. as shown in the video. Some are lucky and get a good balance.. others not so much, they get flung out of the hole just from the pull of other vehicles inside. There are holes all over it.. kind of hard to see w.o actually being in the map. On top of that you have other teams' members with hammers standing around the hole ready to bash you out and/or steal your ghost, which is pretty easy to do.. and the gauss..

    And chances are if you jump into the hole on foot to jack a ghost, you are going to get splattered by all the vehicles floating around inside.

    Players do no damage.. but damage resistance is only at 10%. Splatters are easier to get than normal.

    I hope that answers your question lol.. kind of a long winded twisting answer...

    It is far from just everyone run to the hole and whoever got there first wins though, if that is your concern.

    All I know, really, is that myself and a bunch of my friends have had some crazy fun times on this game, and I'd like more people who like to play it to be around to play with me.. the more people the better hehe.
  18. HaloFan321

    HaloFan321 Ancient
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    I agree with G-Bag, I think a post to your fileshare is perfectly alright assuming you make it obvious which thing should be downloaded.
  19. Egg02

    Egg02 Ancient
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    If all of you are done calling each other stupid I will comment on the map. It looks like an interesting idea but the area looks kinda small. Any I'll DL it and come back with my suggestions on it.
  20. phantom1107

    phantom1107 Ancient
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    Really neat idea. I will DL it and check it out, Expect a fair review wwhen I get back! (Don't worry, Be happy) Anyway, I have been doing this whole DL- review thing all day. Hope I'm helping everyone out!

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