hey Forgehub, I've been an avid watcher of Machinima for a while now, so i thought I'd have a crack at creating my own: Now this is meant to be a serious action Machinima taking place just after the events of Halo 3. Anyway heres an overview: It may be seven years on from the war, but some things remain the same. While most soldiers are out fighting the remnants of the covenant and flood, Scott Madison and *Forge Hub Created Name* have been dumped at the farthest reaches of UNSC space, now fighting an undiminishable enemy, they must fight to secure the survival of the people who abandoned them, and heir own. So let me know what you think, If I get enough intrest I will put up the script of the first episode. Thanks, Cannon
I'll give you a heads up...there's a far distance from what you see on YouTube and how you actually make it. You can't really understand how hard it is to make it until you do, especially just getting the perfect angle/etc. for an amazing machinima. Do you have a capture card yet?
1) do you have a cap card? and 2) I think the name Jay Jones sound wierd change his laste name or something just imagine in this epic mahinima some guy saying Jay Jones
Thank you all for the intrest in the project, to answer the questions so far; 1. I don't currently own a caputre card but I do have one on order. I would like to say that this is a long time project and I don't antisipate filming this until at least the end of the year but I just want to know at the moment is; If i'm on the right path, if this project has legs, and if any-one would be interested in helping me. 2. Thank you firefox, I have been sitting on that name for a long time, so my judgement was slightly clouded, so I'm opening up the floor to anyone's suggestions, I'll chose a name on Friday Also Fbu, the Elites will play a special part in the production. Again thanks for the ideas, keep them rolling.
Okay I've decided to write up the script, this is just a first draft so be as savage as you like, I can take it. The image posted here is the reference for the shots: Outbreak [Episode 1] beginnings Intro Random shots of the base in this order: point 2(empty), 4(scientists around master tank), 7(2 people around comm. -unit), 3(pens in there), 5(Scott walking down corridor) Scott Walks towards point 4 down corridor SCOTT (V.O.) Humanity... every day is a struggle for survival, and yet we limit our own ability to survive. I am stationed here Shot is on test room, turns to destroyed room SCOTT (CONT'D) (V.O.) Or was I here? Time has no relevance anymore, it’s all about the Story and the way it will end. It’s all about, the outbreak. Title shot Establishing shot of Scott coming through teleporter Impose 22/12/2560, Scott looks left and right SCOTT Hello? Uni flies in UNI My apologies, I was held up at the pens, now I have been asked to take you to meet Sargent McGinnis. This way. SCOTT Umm... hi, I'm Scott... who are you? Scott and Uni start walking to point 3 UNI I am Unit 2746 Taken from below the walkway at point 2, from near the window SCOTT Yhea but do you have a name... a propper name? UNI Only that which I was given SCOTT hmm.. Above pens, you can't see the pens yet but as Scott and Uni walk/float in the camera pans over towards the pens, where the Higher Breeds (Infected) are running around SCOTT (CONT'D) What the hell are those? UNI I'm sorry but that is classified From the south side over-viewing the closest pen UNI (CONT'D) Only Sergeant McGinnis can give out that information SCOTT But what virus do they have? UNI Again that is clasiffied. Transpose corridor of point 5 into the lead in from point 3 to point 4 Moment of walking silence only backing track is playing, You can hear Jay whistling (Spanish Flea) down corridor UNI They call me Uni SCOTT What? UNI The men, they call me Uni Jay walks around corner and Uni has to fly over him. JAY Whoa, oh hey Uni UNI Ah, Jay. Just the man I was looking for, would you please take Scott here to see Sargent McGinnis? JAY Yhea sure, no Problem Uni flies off back the way they just came JAY (CONT'D) So I'm Jay, just follow me this way. SCOTT Scott JAY So what'd you do? SCOTT What? JAY No-one gets sent to this dead-end science centre unless they did something real bad, so what'd you do? SCOTT I had an incident back at base with this... They walk into the point 4 area, Scott stops and stares at the flood form. SCOTT (CONT'D) .. Dear god.. is that a flood Jay stops walking JAY Nah, thats papa infected SCOTT What? JAY Papa infected, you know the guy who made the zombies out there SCOTT Those are zombies, I thought they were just under quarantine JAY … We better get you to Sargent McGinnis They walk over to Sargent McGinnis who is on the opposite side of the tank MCGINNIS Ah.. Welcome young soldier to the IEC, Infection Epidemic Centre, get comfy, you’ll be here for a while FADE TO: Bright light then flash to black Establishing shot of the pens, the HB are really rowdy Scott fires some shots at the shield door SCOTT Oy, shut up in there JAY Dude clam down there always doing that SCOTT Yhea, but it annoys the hell outta me JAY Anyway, so we entering the planet side tournament or what? SCOTT I don't know, ain't there some hell- jumpers stationed up there, Our team would get their arse kicked JAY Yhea, but you could let off some steam against those Elites? SCOTT that would be nice, but... Just before the cutoff point of Scott's last bit, we see a med unit running down the corridor behind them. This is all quick camera cuts as we see uni hovering some form of platform with a dying Spartan on it MEDIC 1 Stand clear stand clear, give this man some room They all run down corridor towards point 4, Scott and Jay follow, beeping plays in background, start really fast Medic 2 Okay stabilize him, that heart rates too high, bring it down More tense Camera shots Turn from fast beep to flat line MEDIC 2 Damn were losing him get me the De-fib Medic 1 turns to Scott and Jay MEDIC 1 You two better leave Scott and Jay walk back still talking, In background we see power drained being used as de-fib SCOTT Anyway, we're still too inexperienced, I mean those guys saw action on earth against the full armada, and we’re just guards. By now they are back over the pens, the camera moves to the side while they keep discussing, we see all the members of the pens looking up, making no noise DANIELS (V.O.) All Units please report to training area for weekly debrief. Thank you. SCOTT Well, lets go Scott heads towards centre door JAY Hey dude, remember what happened last time you used that door? SCOTT Oh yhea, that two months was tourture, I still can’t get the smell of onions out of my suit. JAY Come on, we’ll go the long way They both start walking towards the door to point 2 SCOTT What do we do if were late? JAY Don’t worry, Daniels and I’ve got a arrangement SCOTT Yhea? JAY He cuts me slack; I don't mention the Christmas party last year SCOTT What was wrong with the party, I thought it was great, especially that stripper JAY Yhea, but there's no women on the planet, and Daniels wasn’t at the party. shoot from behind as they walk to point 2 SCOTT ... oh god no Establishing shot in room 4 from door leading to room three, slow float in towards the dead Spartan Hear the first bip, 3 seconds, second bip, 2 seconds, third bip 2 seconds, etc On fifth bip Dead Spartan (DS) stands up Follow from behind as he walks up to Infection person and Sword in weapon holder, kneels Pick up Sword, cut to pens where Uni is floating around SINGLE INFECTED Hij Komt UNI Hmm.. TWO INFECTED Er Kommt UNI What are you saying? SOUTH PENS él viene That whole section is under-toned by the North pens making random zoo noises, after él viene, one from the North Pen roars, all is silent Uni zooms to front of door to roarers pen ROARING INFECTED He Comes DS leaps down and nearly destroys Uni, who files up really high, and sets off alarm bells, Uni then flies towards window pens and knocks over Scott and Jay JAY Uni? hey wait up. They both run after Uni DS smashes open the doors and the infected rush out and make for the entrance to the meeting chamber From in the crowd looking up at Daniels who is in front of the door where the infected will soon pour through DANIELS Don't worry everyone; it might just be a false alarm Daniels is then stabbed through, and drops off platform, lifeless, to the floor below. A scream and the noise of deployable shields going up Flash back to Scott and jay running after Uni down to comms centre, there they find McGinnis JAY Sergeant, what is going on? All three of them are gathered around the main comms unit, there are two men holding down the door MCGINNIS The infected have been released, I don't know how, but its a blood bath out there. Show fight scene (this should be about 20-30 seconds of carnage), then flash back SCOTT Sir we've got to help them MCGINNIS its too late for that Scott, right now the best way we can help is to stop those things getting off planet JAY How? MCGINNIS You and scott have to take Unit 2764's core AI(The bomb from the bomb gametype), and use it to open our second operational dome SCOTT Where’s that? MCGINNIS Somewhere across planet, Unit 2764 will have the co-ordinates, now you boys take this and I'll shut down the flight paths, stop the bastards from leaving the planet. Can you do that? JAY Yes sir SCOTT Just one question, how do we get out of here? MCGINNIS You'll have to make a run for the surface, just break one of those windows and go for it One of the men at the door is killed MCGINNIS Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure working with you. JAY Likewise sir One of the infected gets past, McGinnis shoots it MCGINNIS Now go! Jay Cocks shotty and Scott picks up Uni, they both run down the corridor. We see Jay take out infected as they go. SCOTT (V.O.) This is the beginning of the end, or is it the end of the beginning? Does it even matter? Probably not. That was the last time either of us would see our proud sergeant again, but it wasn’t the last for our fellow soldiers, who fought valiantly to the end. They would come back to haunt us as our pursuers. CREDITS Establishing shot of Sargent McGinnis kneeling, two infected on either side of him The DS walks in DS hern MCGINNIS [Sarcastically] Is that English? DS looks with surprise DS No but this is, hello McGinnis MCGINNIS Doctor? KEY: Italics stands for action happening at the time underline stands for the shot being used Well thats my script hope you like it, all feedback and comments are appriciated
I noticed some things here... Jay's name shouldn't be Jay Jones. Sounds like Gay Jones. Also, it sounds too young, too immature. Jay should be his nickname, derived from a syllable of his name or last name. That way, he seems more of an adult, but because of his nickname, you can guess he is the immature, troublemaker, or the "class clown." Also, Sergeant McGinnis, an NCO, is in command of a scientific research facility? An officer, scientist, or professor should be in charge. If he is just in charge of security, the Sergeant can't shut down flight paths. You also might want to clean your draft up...use color coding, etc. You know what, I'll do it for you. EDIT: Yeah, just fixed up your draft and added small changes like periods and corrected some misspelled words. Spoiler The image posted here is the reference for the shots: Outbreak [Episode 1] beginnings Intro Random shots of the base in this order: point 2(empty), 4(scientists around master tank), 7(2 people around comm. -unit), 3(pens in there), 5(Scott walking down corridor) Scott Walks towards point 4 down corridor SCOTT (V.O.) Humanity... every day is a struggle for survival, and yet we limit our own ability to survive. I was stationed here... Shot is on test room, turns to destroyed room SCOTT (CONT'D) (V.O.) Or was I here? Time has no relevance anymore, it’s all about the story and the way it will end. It’s all about, the outbreak. Title shot Establishing shot of Scott coming through teleporter Impose 22/12/2560, Scott looks left and right SCOTT Hello? Uni flies in UNI My apologies, I was held up at the pens, now I have been asked to take you to meet Sargent McGinnis. This way. SCOTT Umm... hi, I'm Scott... who are you? Scott and Uni start walking to point 3 UNI I am Unit 2746 Taken from below the walkway at point 2, from near the window SCOTT Yeah, but do you have a name... a proper name? UNI Only that which I was given. SCOTT hmm.. Above pens, you can't see the pens yet but as Scott and Uni walk/float in the camera pans over towards the pens, where the Higher Breeds (Infected) are running around SCOTT (CONT'D) What the hell are those? UNI I'm sorry but that is classified From the south side over-viewing the closest pen. UNI (CONT'D) Only Sergeant McGinnis can give out that information. SCOTT But what virus do they have? UNI Again that is classified. Transpose corridor of point 5 into the lead in from point 3 to point 4 Moment of walking silence only backing track is playing, You can hear Jay whistling (Spanish Flea) down corridor. UNI They call me Uni SCOTT What? UNI The men, they call me Uni Jay walks around corner and Uni has to fly over him. JAY Woah, oh hey Uni UNI Ah, Jay. Just the man I was looking for, would you please take Scott here to see Sargent McGinnis? JAY Yhea sure, no problem. Uni flies off back the way they just came. JAY (CONT'D) So I'm Jay, just follow me this way. SCOTT Scott JAY So what'd you do? SCOTT What? JAY No-one gets sent to this dead-end science centre unless they did something real bad, so what'd you do? SCOTT I had an incident back at base with this... They walk into the point 4 area, Scott stops and stares at the flood form. SCOTT (CONT'D) ...Dear god...is that a flood Jay stops walking JAY Nah, thats papa infected SCOTT What? JAY Papa infected, you know the guy who made the zombies out there SCOTT Those are zombies? I thought they were just under quarantine. JAY …We better get you to Sargent McGinnis. They walk over to Sargent McGinnis who is on the opposite side of the tank. MCGINNIS Ah.. Welcome young soldier to the IEC, Infection Epidemic Centre, get comfy, you’ll be here for a while. Undetermined amount of time has passed. FADE TO: Bright light then flash to black Establishing shot of the pens, the HB are really rowdy. Scott fires some shots at the shield door. SCOTT Oy, shut up in there. JAY Dude, calm down they're always doing that. SCOTT Yeah, but it annoys the hell outta me. JAY Anyway, so we entering the planet side tournament or what? SCOTT I don't know, ain't there some hell- jumpers stationed up there, Our team would get their arse kicked. JAY Yeah, but you could let off some steam against those Elites? SCOTT That would be nice, but... Just before the cutoff point of Scott's last bit, we see a med unit running down the corridor behind them. This is all quick camera cuts as we see UNI hovering some form of platform with a dying Spartan on it MEDIC 1 Stand clear stand clear, give this man some room. They all run down corridor towards point 4, Scott and Jay follow, beeping plays in background, start really fast. Medic 2 Okay stabilize him, that heart rates too high, bring it down More tense Camera shots Turn from fast beep to flat line MEDIC 2 Damn, were losing him get me the de-fib! Medic 1 turns to Scott and Jay MEDIC 1 You two better leave Scott and Jay walk back still talking, In background we see power drained being used as de-fib. SCOTT Anyway, we're still too inexperienced, I mean those guys saw action on earth against the full armada, and we’re just guards. By now they are back over the pens, the camera moves to the side while they keep discussing, we see all the members of the pens looking up, making no noise. DANIELS (V.O.) All Units please report to training area for weekly debrief. Thank you. SCOTT Well, lets go. Scott heads towards centre door. JAY Hey dude, remember what happened last time you used that door? SCOTT Oh yeah, that two months was torture, I still can’t get the smell of onions out of my suit. JAY Come on, we’ll go the long way. They both start walking towards the door to point 2. SCOTT What do we do if were late? JAY Don’t worry, Daniels and I’ve got a arrangement. SCOTT Yeah? JAY He cuts me slack; I don't mention the Christmas party last year. SCOTT What was wrong with the party, I thought it was great, especially that stripper. JAY Yhea, but there's no women on the planet, and Daniels wasn’t at the party. Shoot from behind as they walk to point 2. SCOTT ...oh God, no. Establishing shot in room 4 from door leading to room three, slow float in towards the dead Spartan. Hear the first bip, 3 seconds, second bip, 2 seconds, third bip 2 seconds, etc On fifth bip Dead Spartan (DS) stands up. Follow from behind as he walks up to Infection person and Sword in weapon holder, kneels Pick up Sword, cut to pens where Uni is floating around SINGLE INFECTED Hij Komt UNI Hmm.. TWO INFECTED Er Kommt UNI What are you saying? SOUTH PENS él viene That whole section is under-toned by the North pens making random zoo noises, after él viene, one from the North Pen roars, all is silent Uni zooms to front of door to roarers pen ROARING INFECTED He Comes DS leaps down and nearly destroys Uni, who files up really high, and sets off alarm bells, Uni then flies towards window pens and knocks over Scott and Jay. JAY Uni? hey wait up. They both run after Uni DS smashes open the doors and the infected rush out and make for the entrance to the meeting chamber From in the crowd looking up at Daniels who is in front of the door where the infected will soon pour through. DANIELS Don't worry everyone; it might just be a false alarm Daniels is then stabbed through, and drops off platform, lifeless, to the floor below. A scream and the noise of deployable shields going up.Flash back to Scott and jay running after Uni down to commications centre, there they find McGinnis. JAY Sergeant, what is going on? All three of them are gathered around the main comms unit, there are two men holding down the door MCGINNIS The infected have been released, I don't know how, but its a blood bath out there. Show fight scene (this should be about 20-30 seconds of carnage), then flash back. SCOTT Sir, we've got to help them! MCGINNIS Its too late for that Scott, right now the best way we can help is to stop those things getting off planet. JAY How? MCGINNIS You and scott have to take Unit 2764's core AI (The bomb from the bomb gametype), and use it to open our second operational dome. SCOTT Where’s that? MCGINNIS Somewhere across planet, Unit 2764 will have the co-ordinates, now you boys take this and I'll shut down the flight paths, stop the bastards from leaving the planet. Can you do that? JAY Yes sir SCOTT Just one question, how do we get out of here? MCGINNIS You'll have to make a run for the surface, just break one of those windows and go for it One of the men at the door is killed. MCGINNIS Gentlemen, it’s been a pleasure working with you. JAY Likewise, sir. One of the infected gets past, McGinnis shoots it. MCGINNIS Now go! Jay cocks back on his shotty and Scott picks up Uni, they both run down the corridor. We see Jay take out infected as they go. SCOTT (V.O.) This is the beginning of the end, or is it the end of the beginning? Does it even matter? Probably not. That was the last time either of us would see our proud sergeant again, but it wasn’t the last for our fellow soldiers, who fought valiantly to the end. They would come back to haunt us as our pursuers. CREDITS Establishing shot of Sargent McGinnis kneeling, two infected on either side of him. The DS walks in. DS hern MCGINNIS [Sarcastically] Is that English? DS looks with surprise. DS No but this is, hello McGinnis. MCGINNIS Doctor? END KEY: Green stands for action happening at the time Underline stands for the shot being used Blue stands for the names Well thats my script hope you like it, all feedback and comments are appriciated.