Looks like you took turf and put your own ideas into it... I like it. It has good ideas put into it and clean forging 5/5
Esorath, right now I'm trying to make a map kind of like Terminal. And it's taking some time to complete. But thanks for the offer Esorath.
I definitely think that the breakable wall is a good unique part of this base, however I think the interior center is a bit too complex and the defending base is a little too small. When you break through the wall, you hit a solid wall. However, a good map and worth the download.
In screenshot 5, there is a piece of architecture that is exactly like on on an incomplete map I'm making O.O... nice job! Just large enough for a Warthog, just small enough for a guy on a Spree. If this is a remake, then I can't judge the quality, because I haven't played Halo 2 much. Overall, I'd say you did a nice job, though! 5/5
I know there is a solid wall on the other side of the breakable walls. i did this because the room that you break through to only has the entrance to the basement. It would be that tactical to bust trough the wall and drive in the basement. Too tell the truth, I didn't want to remake Turf from Halo 2. I wanted to make my map "feel" like Turf when you played it, but different on the layout, I guess I failed at the layout lol. Thanks for the input guys. Keep it coming.
Ok, a couple of changes I made. I removed the shield door by the shotgun and placed another respawn point in the Prayer Room. Hope this helps balances the map a little. Enjoy.