Sandbox Cops and Robbers

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Roy the Hunter, May 17, 2009.

  1. Roy the Hunter

    Roy the Hunter Ancient
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    Many of you have probably played a cops and robber map before and know the honor rules, if not here the rules are:

    For Cops:
    Cops MUST ask robbers to surrender BEFORE shooting, unless robbers are outside the Jail.
    When the robbers don't surrender or start shooting fire back.
    Don't camp the jail cells, even though I've tried to make it harder to camp it is still possible.

    For Robbers: Try to escape, If you stay in your cell to long prepare to be shot.

    Now on to the map....
    The prison takes up most of the map and may be a good place to hide behind if Robber. The town is small (sry ran outa money :( ) Has a fountain and a building with a door that must be rammed with warthog. The fountain has a rocket on top of it and the only way to get it is to get the gravity lift in the small house. (sry if this is confusing look at pics..).
    Now for the pics:
    Picture of jail cells. If you are wondering the bars are made of scaffolding. The pallet concels a "hidden" passage out of one of the jail cells.
    A picture of one of the jail hallways... there are three total
    Wonder whats up there... The cops forgot to patch the roof
    Warthog garage for quick getaway... or to chase the robbers who stole a warthog. As you can see there is a machine gun above.
    Another way out,this time with weapons :)
    Main Hallway... Lots of stuff to hide behind
    Overview of base. And for all of you that go WTF A HORNET! There is a Spartan Laser.... so Plz don't comment about it...
    Town overview There is a fountain with a rocket on top, to get it you must get into the house with a wooden top using a warthog, then grab the grav lift. Also the Splazer is on top of the house with the mongoose in the garage.
    Grav Lift House

    Thanks for viewing

    Thanks to iRandomness for helping to build!!!

    Also Plz leave comments if you don't like the map, AND how I should improve. Thanks

    Download: : Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype:(any cops and robber gametype would work too) : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Gnarleywalnutt

    Gnarleywalnutt Ancient
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    It looks very clean and thought through, although its not really my type of map. The Cells in this seem a lot more thought through then the ones in the older version that I had that was built of foundry. Nice interlocking and aesthetics, you got my dl.
  3. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    I think this looks like a lot of fun. Ill defiantly download this. Nice Work, I especially like the jail cell bars!

    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
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    wow this has o be the best cops and robbers map i have seen yet. I like the jail cells, They have the bars and everything.
  5. xpunkshorty27x

    xpunkshorty27x Ancient
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    this looks like a very thoughout map and very well forged especialy the jail bars which i like the most
    overall very good 4/5
    you should thin out the map and add more stuff though
  6. Fruitbat7

    Fruitbat7 Ancient
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    This is without a doubt the best cops and robbers map ive ever seen. The forging is clean and it's asthetically pleasing. Nice job Roy you have my download
  7. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    Okay I here's where I'm sitting.

    First off, your map is fine, and well suited for this game, so I have no critics about that.

    However, your game rules seem a bit inefficient. How would you ask a robber to surrender? And even if there was a way, which robber is going to choose "I give up" over shooting down the cop? If they lose, aren't they just going to respawn anyway? And please don't pull the "out of lives" stunt either to fix that... people don't like to just watch. So what I'm getting at is that your gametype needs some refinement. There's plenty of ways to go about, and a score system wouldn't be bad if you can manage. Just mess around with gametypes for a while and you'll get ideas and ways to carry them out.

    Like I said earlier, your map is great. The town is clever, and your cop base is well designed. I impressed with your jail cells as well. You forging skills are fine, now put some creativity into your gametype and you'll go a long way ;)
  8. DarkZeen

    DarkZeen Ancient
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    wow, love tho the jail cells! i've been making alot of jail maps but with me its more of a lazyer "take more time up" map making style with all the ideas i try an fit into my messy maps.. i do good sometimes but its more of a.. I wanted more then what i showed

    again nice work, i'll be sure to give it a look around and take tips :p
  9. II cyanide II

    II cyanide II Ancient
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    Very well thaught out and when people play fair its great fun! awesome map and the jails look amazing!
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    wow. finally someone put in the time to make really good jail cells!! instead of those crappy sheild door ones. already from the first pic this map looks amazing
    i am for sure going to be playing this. for i am at my friends house and we are trying out peoples maps. i will get back to you later with gameplay
    but from all of your pics, i can see this map will be quite good. i just hope you left the guardians unblocked for games will go on tooooo long if you block them cuz everyone will just run to the dunes
  11. Death Panda x

    Death Panda x Ancient
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    best cops and robbers ever made, jail cell bars are superb and original and nice job interlocking, well thought out from the start 4.5/5
  12. rslider

    rslider Ancient
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    I dont get it

    Okay I may just be dumb but why does no one die? Do I need to download another gametype or is there a reason no one dies?
  13. Kayla x Jordan

    Kayla x Jordan Ancient
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    The jail looks great, way better than most C&R maps. The outside is pretty good too, but the one thing I notice is your fountain. From experience, I know that when walking all you see is the column, you don't see the grass unless you jump or walk right up to it. but it's alright sense there's something coming out of it. Oh yeah, the jail is great, like I already said, but it's a bit small. I like C&R maps when most of the map is the jail a bit bitter. I like the cells, they're very nice, although not original. Not overused by any means, but not original.
    #13 Kayla x Jordan, Aug 2, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009

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