Sandbox Our Town

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Killsbury3, May 17, 2009.

  1. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    Our Town
    A book by Thorton Wilder. I read the book, and thought, "Hey,this would be fun to make in halo," and this is the product of my frustrated actor of a mind.

    Anyway, this map was made to be customizable. This means that I intentionally did not go near the limit at all when it comes to items, and so you can make this map your own. You can try to play on it without forging on it first, but I wouldn't. This is my first post on forgehub, and I hope you enjoy it.

    Pic Time!!!
    One of the houses:

    The back of the House:


    The Barn (yes, I know it looks nothing like a barn. I cant geomerge if my life depended on it)


    One of the apartments:


    Inside that apartment:


    The other apartment is pretty much the same, so I wont bother showing it.

    The church:


    The inside of said church (energy sword spawn; sadistic humor)


    The school: (kind of a layout of half the map; the school is the tubes)


    The Classroom/Caf.


    The playground (Sniper spawn, I would keep this)


    Another pic of the Playground:


    Well, thats pretty much it. Please dl, edit this map, and repost your variant here. You can take full credit for whatever variant you make in any forum, just pm me a link to it (i want to see what people do with this map)


    Download Map

    #1 Killsbury3, May 17, 2009
    Last edited: May 17, 2009
  2. Phoenix of Wei

    Phoenix of Wei Ancient
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    Interesting idea for the ability to add on to the map. Also, make sure you take pictures of a game besides forge, that way it looks cleaner.
  3. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    Thanks for the tip. Try forging on it and put the variant in this thread.
    I would have action shots, but my friends all thought it was a stupid idea. Oh well.
  4. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    You don't seem to know a lot about Halo 3. The map appears to not be interlocked (I could be wrong, and it probably doesn't matter), but theatre mode shall become your friend for map posts.

    I like the idea of urban maps, but why did you build it in the crypt?

    Also, as you have a spare $580 to play with, you might want to make some multi-storey buildings to make it more interesting. The crypt is 14 storeys tall, y'know.
  5. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    Yea, it's not interlocked. Like I said in the post, I suck at interlocking and geomerging. Also, I intentionally left the 580 for other people to dl and forge with. I'm really bad when it comes to weapon placement, so I decided to leave that up to anyone who dls. Please, dl and post your variant of the map. As you said, I don't know much abot halo 3 (I only got my xbox about 2 months ago) so any tips you have are appreciated. Thanks!
  6. Trigg

    Trigg Ancient
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    Interesting, I take it the map is supposed to be Grovers Corners?

    I played Mr. Webb when my high school did this, good play, can't see how it relates to Halo in anyway whatsoever. Map looks cool though.
  7. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    Yea, thats what it was. I'm still in middle school (8th grade) but we did this in drama class and I played the stage manager. You're right, this has nothing to do with Halo, but I just thought it would be fun. (mainly because I suck at making innovative combat maps)
  8. MasterM 500

    MasterM 500 Ancient
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    Sorry for the late reply but looks like a fun map and I don't really mind that it isn't interlocked. I have problems with interlocking too, so I know how you feel. Looks good, though. I'll DL, check it out later, and then get back to you.
  9. AlbinoFruitcake

    AlbinoFruitcake Ancient
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    its not much of a creative idea, but it looks like it plays well.
    although i do agree with masterM 500 that merging objects is not neccessary, i do think the map is a bit sloppy. (look at picture 3 for example, the walls are a bit lopsided) Its not hard to fix, i would just suggest using a double box to use as a stand so that the walls can be placed next to it in an upright position, then delete the box when the walls are set.
    I'd give it a 4/5 and if you fixed the sloppy parts up a bit it could get a 4.5/5
  10. Killsbury3

    Killsbury3 Ancient
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    I know

    Thanks for the feedback. I never noticed that the walls on "the barn" were so distracting, but I did get some crazy kills through that. Also, as far as the double blocks are concerned, thats what I did, only i'm really bad at precision in forge so it didnt turn out as well as planned. But please, if you can, dl and forge on it. Thats why I posted it; i wanted people to help fix it up in their own ways. But thanks again for bringing that to my attention; I'll fix that asap.

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