does anyone else think that a "snap to grid" button would be useful in forge? not a requirement but an option, i think that such a feature would make it easier to set a foundation for maps especially in the skybubble, i was forging last weekend and i thought this would be quite a useful tool
I believe that although a "snap to grid" button would be useful in some situations, many forgers do not line up their entire piece of work (or in some cases, any of it) with the may be helpful to some new forgers, but to the more experienced, it might become more of a quick add-on that may become a nuisance, for the need to switch it on and off all the time.
i was thinking that just a button, (several are underused in forge) would be used to do this, the main thing that i would hope this to accomplish would be to help create symmetrical maps a forger could snap a base object and then build object around it without the fear that a small geometric defect would grow (as they always do) as the map is being created. it wouldnt be anything groundbreaking, just something to help streamline the process of getting a map started, which, to get it perfect, can be very time consuming
Frankly I think the best thing they could do to improve forge that I think is possible is to turn off gravity on non-moveable pieces. Everything else would require more work than bungie would be willing to do.
actually, "snap to" in general would be great.. you could snap a piece onto another piece etc etc.. and it actually would be a big update.. they could very easily do it. I'd love that feature. it'd be more useful than you think. It'd only require like 3 or 4 more lines of code and thats it.. small update.. dont see why they wont do it. then again it depends on how they wrote the coding for forge too..
i think i saw a thread for this like 9 months ago...... but ya that would be a very nice addition to forge, and maybe even include a 90 degree and a 45 degree or maybe even a custom degree snap.
It definitley takes more than three or four lines to code something like that. Try three or four pages, if not more. While this is a great idea, they'd have to make a completely entire update for the Halo system. Its really not as easy as it sounds; they'd have to make coding for each individual object to snap. Its a lot of work.
Do you understand that to do the things you are talking about and others are also would require them to rewrite the coding for how forge operates and then release a title update? Its not the easiest thing to do.
I'm sorry but do you have a clue as to how programs are made let alone for games. Sets of values would need to be initialized for three axi dimensions. It would then have to call the values and allocate them to the propper cordinates. This would take about 50 times more than your suposed 5 to 10 lines. Might I also remind you bungie would need to recall all halo games and provide new ones to change the codeing. Bungie can work within it's pre-existing forge engine which was designed to put Dow a few crates and move weapons. Be happy you can actualy craft you own maps and be happy you even have a grid in sandbox and stop worying about snaping to it.
I would prefer something that would make it easier to merge large corner peices into the sand of sandbox (about 18 hours in counting since i started and im half way done, yay!) but i think a snap to grid would be useful for making guides and such when interlocking objects
its simply not gonna happen, bungie already has announced that its not.... not even in odst maybe in halo 4 if there ever is one but i doubt it.