Sandbox Gradation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Vice671, May 20, 2009.

  1. Vice671

    Vice671 Ancient
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    The name of this map, "Gradation", comes from the basic structure from which the map was built. While it is hard to see from the pictures, this map is basically two layers, or levels. The upper level is very open while the lower level is a little more cramped which offers variety in gameplay. There are plenty of ways to get from one level to the other and so either level is easily accessible. Suggestions and critiques are wanted but please do not be too critical about the aesthetics.

    Number of players:
    (Recommended 8)

    Capture the Flag

    Weapons & Equipment:
    Battle Rifle X 8
    SMG X 4
    Mauler X 2
    Sniper Rifle X 2
    Energy Sword X 1
    Carbine X1
    Rocket Launcher X 1
    Power Drain X 1






    Click Here to Download







    Click Here to Download
    #1 Vice671, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  2. Zero_S1gnol

    Zero_S1gnol Ancient
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    Did you just grade your own map 5 stars? Only one view and already 5 stars...whatever...

    I think this looks pretty well, judging from the screenshots. Though I cant really see how the bases are built. Aesthetics are fine by me. Did you also make it compatible with other gametypes than slayer or ctf? Assault could be fun with the different floors.
  3. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    To be fair mate, ratings on threads mean little to nothing and Im sure no one looks at a rating for maps and judges its awesomeness to not so awesomeness ratio on it :)

    I like this map, Its complex and interesting - with pretty aesthetics and a clean tomb looking theme i think its actually a winner. I just think this map would be hard to get familiar with due to the whole complex system but give it some time and im sure players can familiarise with the layout :)

    <3 Chicken Dippah
  4. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    This looks very good, i will probably download later, I'm MLGing at the mo' :)
    Looks very good with aesthitics, so i don't see what the problem is there. Only thign I could comment on is the use of rockets AND a sword, but seeing as it is a large map, it might not be a problem.
    Ill have a forge-through later and tell you what I think :)
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    Haha, you took the words right out of my mouth.
    I agree also, I know theres alot of other maps out there that are plenty good, and deserve to be featured. But this one seems good enough to be in a Match Making playlist to be honest. It looks like a map that will on peoples hard drives for a long time. Great job on the map!
  6. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Very nice map I like the aesthetics and the overall flow of the map, you did a really good job forging.
  7. Duckman620

    Duckman620 Ancient
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    This looks like a really solid map. I love the look of the whole map. I cant test the map yet since i dont have my xbox. But i can asure you i will download once i get it back. Also this looks like it wouldnt be to bad for mlg, like if you removed the sword and any other non-mlg weapons. This could be really fun. Also have you ever considered making the map compatible with KOTH. The way the map is built it looks as though this could support a very good game of team KOTH. Good job!
  8. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    You've never played on it and your saying it should be in match making and is feature worthy that's a bad path to walk down.

    I'm not saying your map is in anyway not deserving of these things but actualy playing on them is kind of a must to warent claims such as these. Your map does however look very smooth and the layout looks complex meaning you put lots of thought into it not that it's to hard to get from point A to point B. As mentioned above a list of gametypes would be well advised and a weapon/equipment list would also help viewers of this thread decide weather to down load your map or not.

    I also may add that I enjoy your use of geometry for cover. The natural changes in elevation do a good job at cutting down lines of sight and provide great strategic cover that isn't distracting or looks out of place.
    #8 Canadians360, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  9. xpunkshorty27x

    xpunkshorty27x Ancient
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    This map is probably the best crypt map I have seen so far. This was an amazing job and probably feature worthy. Keep the good work up.
    4/5: Would like some more pictures though
  10. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    And how do you exactley know I havnt played on it?
    It's an awesome map, great and smooth gameplay. Not arguing or anything like that, just dont go accusing people of things they havnt even done. : )
  11. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    I just said that you can't say a map is feature worthy and the best crypt map so far without downloading it. You also rated it without playing. Also 4/5 for something feature worthy and the best crypt map ever is just plain annoying. Also you added get more pics when they already take up almost his entire main post. At least tell him why his map is a four out of five so he can improve.

    As for the map I got in a quick match 2v2 with some friends I'll try and get more later. Overall your weapon placement was quite good and appeared well thought out. Your map has a very smooth playflow with multiple entrances and exits too what feel somewhat like rooms. The power weapons were placed in areas that were vulnerable. Overall nice work your obvious effort put forth really paid off.
  12. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    This is a great looking map. As it's been said before, the lines of sight work extremely well on this map. I haven't played a game on this yet, but after checking it out in forge, I have a couple of recommendations. This has to do with the weapon layout and respawns mostly. The snipers rifles located up top are too close together imo. Then you walk for 2 secs and you have the rockets. That's way too many power weapons in 1 area, if you ask me. The respawns on the 2 snipers and the rockets are at 60 secs, I think those need to be increased significantly. I also noticed that the sword is at 60 secs as well. I would say that needs to be around 120 secs. Other than those problems, I think this is a great map with awesome potential.
  13. Harry Bozz

    Harry Bozz Ancient
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    Wow, this map looks like it took a lot of work but it also looks really good. While, I'll give it a try and tell you what I think about it.
  14. Zuiu

    Zuiu Ancient
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    This map looks very unique. I'm excited to try this one out. I like how you made two levels. Sounds like a really good idea. Makes a small map play a little bigger.

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