Unique Game type

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by AlexIsCoool, May 22, 2009.

  1. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    Since this isn't a map I cant submit it to the maps section so I will post here.
    I will CUT TO THE CHAse as soon as I turn caps lock off.

    It is a gametype for slayer.
    I suppose it could be used for anything
    This sounds ridiculous at first but....

    -Full invisibility
    -Speed 150%
    -Instant kill
    -SMG starts

    Instant kill SMGs are the fastest way to kill someone- point and shoot.
    However everyone is invisible so as soon as you see movement you shoot at it.
    And hope you hit it because you may not since it moves so fast.
    But now, since you fired you lost your invisibility for 3 seconds.
    So some enemies will pick you off.
    But they are now un-invisible so your team fires at them.
    The loop continues
    Game to 50 or 100 kills
    I also attached a BR because the SMGs will take a while to kill people at far range.

    Here is the game
    I named it lurking death, but I dont like the name because it sounds like infection. Im thinking speed kills or something.
    #1 AlexIsCoool, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: May 22, 2009
  2. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    this sounds like it could be...interesting...

    it sort of sounds like a gametype suited to an enclosed maze somewhere...maybe you could make a map based off of it.

    sounds like a very death-saturated game, but if you design a map and have it with low players (1v1 or 2v2, or 4-player FFA) then it could be very interesting.
  3. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
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    No it needs to be an open map so enemies can see you when you fire. (The most important element)

    I made one on foundry once but it was a map I made in 10 minutes so I never posted it. But I am thinking of making a new one.

    I will try it on Ampitheatre actually (in my sig)
  4. ewren3

    ewren3 Ancient
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    maybe you could have only partial invisibility and 300% damage so it would almost be instant kill, maybe you should switch it to assault rifle because dual wielding would be way overpowered.

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