YTTERBIUM Created by II ELITE BR II. YTTERBIUM YTTERBIUM is a symmetrical medium sized free for all map designed for slayer, oddball and king. BR starts are recommended for all gametypes when playing with 4-6 players. Up to 8 players are supported which causes more hectic gameplay especially in king. Weapon List Weapon-No. of-Spawn time-Spare clips Battle rifle-4-10 seconds-2 clips SMG-2-45 seconds-2 clips Spiker-2-45 seconds-2 clips Plasma rifle-4-45 seconds-N/A Needler-90 seconds-2 clips Carbine-4-10 seconds-2 clips Sword-1-180 seconds-N/A Equipment List Equipment-No. of-Respawn time Plasma-8-30 seconds Regenerator-2-120 seconds Screenshots Overview Sword spawn Action shots YTTERBIUM As always thanks for taking a look at YTTERBIUM and any constructive critcism is appreciated. MOLYBODENUM Coming soon! (Last element named map I promise)
I love how you named this map after an element. Next time try Einsteinium? The middle part really reminds me of Gears of War 2 (for odd reasons) It looks like there are pretty long lines of sight. It does look simple, and plain, which is nice, but there seems to be a minor lack of cover. The camo on top of the middle is good. Overall a good map, I might grow accustomed the long lines of sight, but they're good for BR's. Spawnkilling might be a bit of an issue but that might be just me.
Nice layout, nice geo-merging aswell. The thing I'm loving most about the asthetics, is how you presented the sword. Great job on the map! For now I'll give a 4/5. Gota ask, did you hit the item limit? Happy Forging.
pretty sweet map, good aesthetics, good layout, looks like itd be awesome for FFAs and KOTH, i wasnt a huge fan of the element names but as a series they kinda work, great forging! 8/10 PS on your upcoming one the element you're looking for is called Molybdenum, and fun fact, used in some sniper rifles
Nice Map! i like the middle being raised up and the size is pretty big. maybe interlock blue and red lights in each corner for light effects. and add tunnels in the other 2 corners. until i dl 4.5 out of 5.
I'm a huge fan of symmetrical maps, and this did it for me. The forging is superb, the map design is even better, and the aesthetics are top notch. 5/5. Also, I really like maps that have a central sword.