HOSTIES DOWNLOAD MAP--------> DOWNLOAD GAMETYPE---> How To Play Hosties----> Hosties is similar to managing a prison. You as CTs are there to manage the Ts and the T's are either good little prisoners and listen to instructions or rebel and regain their freedom. Game Rules: The T's can either choose to listen to the CTs every reasonable Command, or they can rebel, and try to kill all the CTs. A CT cannot kill an innocent T for no reason, or they will be punished. If a T attacks, or disobeys a Ct, that single T can be killed. T's can rebel at any moment. CTs may kill Ts in the vents. If the Cts say "No using the vents" they may kill anyone who is in there. When there are only 2 Ts left they are allowed !LR.(Last request) If a T is a rebel, but it is near the end of the round and wants to surrender it is up to the CTs. The CTs can choose whether to let them surrender and have a Last request, or if they feel like it they can just kill the rebel. If a CT is jumping on someones head the T's can kill him without fear of death. No Player may play music through the microphone at ANY time. CT Games - Simon says Simon MUST have a mic=- When Simon is speaking NO ONE else may use their mic CTs may line up Ts in an area of their choice. Once there, a single CT gives "Simon Says" orders to the Ts. If he says "Simon Says" the Ts must follow his commands or be killed. The opposite is also true. Only Simon may kill Ts that do not follow his commands. - Soccer each player starts in the back of his/her goal. At the shot of the spectators shot, each team will run at the ball trying to push it into the opposing goal. NO MELEEING!!!, only running into the ball. If you accidentally melee, you must die. - basketball each player takes turn shooting the basketball ( Radar Jammer ) into the hoop. The Terrorist always shoots first. You switch off 1 shot at a time. 1st player to score twice is the winner. Last Request Games: Gun Toss The person who throws their gun the furthest gets to kill his opposer Shot 4 Shot Each persons grabs a pistol, stands far apart, and takes turns shooting at eachother one bullet at a time. Chicken Fight Each person tries to jump on the other persons and the first to get on top the other person's head kills his opposer) Knife 1 vs 1 Name explains the game Race A T can choose to Race against a CT of his choice at the defined race track. If the map does not have a race track then you will make use of the area you have. PICTURES!!! Overview soccer overview Big Cage CT SPAWN CT Gun Room T Spawn CT driving to T spawn Ct giving orders Big Cage Vent leading to rebelway Rebelway Rebelway2 Soccer goal CT Wins Soccer Shot for Shot Basketball Grenade Arena Overview Grenade Arena Guntoss OTHER HOSTIES MAPS ( Hosties_Revived IS THE BEST ) Hosties_Amped-----------> Hosties_v3_snow---------> Hosties_awesome---------> Hosties_unique------------> Hosties_rebel--------------> Hosties_elite---------------> Hosties_sandbox----------->
Your post isn't up to Forgehub standards. It needs to have at least one embeded picture. If you would like to learn how to embed your pictures, click here: EDIT: From what I can tell from the description, though, it sounds like a carnival map. But, what do you mean by Hosties? It sounds cool, but what are the hosties? Police? You should explain it.
this map looks alright but it was hard to tell from those small pic it would help if the pic were bigger then people might download the map but the map looks alright 3/5