Firestorm: This looks great, I love the explosion in the backround, it looks like the spartan doesn't even notice it! And nice use of the turret, it looks good here! Awakening: This one is my favorite of the two. I like the effects you used here, even though I have no clue how you did it! It looks like he's pulling up his pistol to "pop a cap in someone's cracker ass" hahaha.
Awakening is the better of the two. But i think you should have panned down a bit to get more of a view on the spartan and what are those two random orbs of light? Firestorm has the guy looking a little plasticy and looks pretty average
Alright, the secret to awakening is: My patented Radar Jammer Effect, after the innital bright purple and blue explosion, if you catch the correct frame, there should be some smoke, if you take the picture inside the smoke, it looks like the pic awakening.
thank you ridley guys, im to lazy to post a link, but if you guys go to my profile and go to my statistics, go in to my threads section and look for a thread with the title "EFFECT AND PIC IDEA GUIDE", you can find my patented pic effects there.
Firestorm: I really love the color of the fire and the angle and the weapon choice in this shot. And who cares if this is just another one of those explosion shots, cause it looks great! Awakening: FANTASTIC! I love the angle, the position of the spartan, the weapon choice, and best of all the effect!! That is one great picture! Nice job man.
Firestorm: Woah!This shot is so sick.I love the background,colors,turret,lighting,and angle!That is quite a lot of things that went well in the shot.I just don't like the flow of how the black huys sticks out a bit. Awakening: Awsome.I love the misty effect you slapped on there.The lighting is what sets it all up and the angle,weapons,and spartan colour is what tops that all off.Nice job on both of these!
Firestorm is indeed a good screenshot. You chose a nice background setting and a suitable weapon, A detached turret. The markings on the turret are what bring me to liking the picture though. The second one I don't seem to like as much as everyone else. While I still think it's a good screenshot I just think that the overall stance of the spartan ruins it for me. If you could re-do the picture I may prefer it over the first.
kay, i will try another one like that soon, probably with diffrent weapons, expect a new batch of sexy screenshots within the next week. :happy: