Not all spawn points are being used... I was testing the spawns on my map using 2 extra controls as dummy players. After a few kills I saw the players were spawning in the same points each time, I thought it was a coincedence, I continued to kill them. I then found that the players were infact spawning in the same select few spawn points every time! I started a new game and tried again, same thing happened. I have 86 spawn points across the map, I counted the players spawning in 6 of those. It was FFA and it quite a large map (Sandbox). While I was on one side of the map killing one player, the other player had the whole other side to respawn on... nope. Just any of those 6 spawn points which I wasn't near! Has anyone experienced this problem before, do you know what is causing it? The only thing I can think of is it might have something to do with the spawn points from the original map, I used the Sanbox Stacked Canvas. Unfortunatly, I just hit the OLN so I can't replace all the spawn points.
This all depends on several things. Do you have respawn areas set up, and are they set to Neutral with specific weighting (0-10)? How far away were you when you killed the dummy players? It most likely isn't the spawn points themselves, but another technical issue. I would also recommend playing a proper game with real players and going back to look at your films before discounting your spawning system entirely.
Honestly, it could just be a lack of spawn areas in the map. I understand that you reached OLN, but you may have to delete some spawns to make spawn areas. Use the search function as well, it should yield a guide or two pertaining to spawns.
this is what kept happening with Lucifugous and i think it turned out that they were spawning on the start points for other gametypes or something, it was weird.
MLG once found that several of the spawn points on their official maps were not working. This was due to several things, but the biggest one they found was that the spawns were too close to overhanging objects, so players couldn't spawn there or they would be partially inside map geometry. Are your spawn points very close to other objects? If so, you might consider moving them away from the wall by about a foot and see if they work then.
I think you might be right, Ladnil. I was going to make a topic about players not spawning inside a base a little while ago. Its not a problem with spawn areas, I set up 3; 1 around each side of the map and one around the central area. It probably is the overhanging objects problem. Thats a useful post from the MLG forums, I think I'll go through and move all spawn ponts away from the walls. Also, I've noticed that the Block Tall has a slightly soft edge on its side, some objects sink in to it. Spawn points look like they've been intelocked, this might effect the spawning too. I hink I'll try that experiment for myself, see how many spawn points are actually blocked. Edit: Looking around my map, that does seem to be the problem with a lot of the spawn points, their just too close to the walls. The spawn points inside the base will just have to be moved to the roof, put outside or just removed because the low ceiling is probably blocking them.
Same thing happened to me on the map in my sig. I had spawns inside an area a Spartan can comfortably walk under, but you still couldn't spawn there. I think the game actually spawns you a small distance above the actual spawn point, because I know that placing a Sandbox sized wall on top of a spawn point will make you spawn on top of that wall, but placing 2 walls stacked blocks the spawn point. Edit: I wonder if for an Octagon map, if you placed the spawns under walls, would you move quicker upon spawning due to the elimination of the teeny tiny falling distance? Anybody got a Sandbox Octagon map link I could test this on?