Morning.. Well, it's 1:29am here in Australia anyway. I have a question about gemergin' in ye' olde Sandbox. I know the Skybubble method, with all the overloading map for a grid disappear, then save n quitting, but I'm a tad confused with Crypt & Earth layers. You see, foundry had the godsend doors and window panels, which made it a whole bloody lot easier, and occasionally, i had to interlock another box into the edge, for an even merge, but I need a little Tut for Sandy geomergin. I've seen the map 'Oasis', by BIGGnelson, the fantastic little contraption with the regen grav lift, but the part i loved the most was the Geo'd Doubleblocks. NELSON. I CAN HAS TIPZ. YES i used teh great Search button, but i found absolute jack. If one of ya, can help me, post up here, and also, if you can, add me. GT: OhNoez64 HALP.
Forging 101. Jesus... people just don't look anymore. Use the ORIGINAL method of Geomerging, people used it before the doors, and they can use it now.