Iron Sights in Halo 3.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by mastersync23, May 22, 2009.

  1. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Look, I'm bored, it's raining, I'm hungry, and I decided to write this. It's not immersing, it's not funny, it's just the product of my bored mind. Please, unless you give a ****, keep reading.

    This thread is about the fact that 90% of the weapons in Halo 3 do not have iron sights. For anyone who doesn't know, iron sights are the small sights atop, or in the case of an aperture sight, in the back, of a weapon that allow you to aim. In Halo, many weapons lack these. The fact is, while the SPARTANS have reticles which allows them to aim accurately, the assault rifle lacks a scope or iron sight, and the UNSC marines fire the weapons accurately, despite the fact they are shooting from the hip.

    I give a slight exception to the Battle Rifle and the Sniper Rifle, because they both have scopes, however, I have noticed that the SMG, the Halo 2 pistol, the Mauler(slightly), the Shotgun, the Spiker (slightly) and the Machine gun turret has a sort of aiming function. Now, because Marines have not had HUD sighting since Halo 1, which means that they are firing without looking down the barrel of their guns. Which is highly ironic considering they couldn't aim for **** in Halo 1, and they had HUD sighting, but anyways...


    I think that despite this being a Science Fiction game with no real reason to be overly realistic, if Half Life 2 could do it, why not Halo? I mean, (despite the fact you can't actually use them)the SMG's in HL2 have sights, the pistols, the rifles, etc. I just think that this would add a great factor of realism in campaign, considering humans need either a iron sights or a scope to fire to the fullest extent. But bear in mind, this is a discussion thread. I don't hope that anything will be implemented. So please, discuss.
    #1 mastersync23, May 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2009
  2. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Heck, you're right. I hadn't even noticed that yet.
    But honestly, it doesn't really matter. If you've used a gun in training often enough, you'll know where it shoots depending on how you're holding it.
    ... I ... Think ...
  3. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I've actually fired a rifle and a handgun, and to tell the truth, it's bloody hard to aim WITH iron sights. It takes huge arm/ eye coordination. You need to keep steady, hold your breath, and then once you fire, you need to repeat that.

    Now imagine doing that, from the hip and managing to hit your target 9/10 times. Pretty hard.

    Lol. Marines are trained ****ing epicly in 2550's.
  4. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    It wouldn't surprise me if the marines had special contact lenses in, ones which could display a mini hud.
    Or maybe the AR is just really well equiped. It is quite a bulky gun.

    Or maybe its just magic.
  5. RidleyXX45

    RidleyXX45 Ancient
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    This just means that it needs skill to use these weapons. But I think the BR, Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle, Fuel Rod Gun, Rocket Launcher, and Carbine dont have iron sights. You can aim better with them then any other weapons.
  6. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Because there's no open buttons on the controller? Though RS is possible, it would be clumsy.
  7. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    umm... some of the marines do have HUD helmats if you look carefully.


    see the visor, that probably provides some sort of HUD aiming system
  8. Cheerful Dub

    Cheerful Dub Ancient
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    The SMGs in HL2 even have a laser crosshair in the optical site that you never get to use, how's that for ridiculous design? Even better, whoever designed the reload animation apparently considered removing the old magazine to be a pointless step, so Gordon just slaps the bottom of the grip with his hand and -poof- reloaded!

    For the most part UNSC weapons in Halo do have appropriate sights based on their real world counterparts, if you look at a closeup of the SMG from Halo 3 it clearly has iron sights on the top located at the front and rear ends of the housing. It is very similar in design to the H&K MP7 PDW, which has an optical site and all sorts of contemporary features.

    The BR is a bullpup design, and the elongated iron sight rail doubling as an optical scope mount is very typical of those types of weapons such as the FAMAS or the Steyr Aug.

    It's harder to notice or appreciate these features on CQB & spray-n-pray weapons such as the shotgun, mauler, etc but they clearly do have iron sites built into the model. You don't go deer hunting with a Tec-9, so who is going to be aiming down the iron sights and firing it like a semi-auto anyways?

    Halo is also not a tactical game such as CounterStrike or Rainbow 6, and even those games do not feature true iron sight gameplay because it is tedious and very difficult to implement correctly. The only game I can think of that pulled it off well was Red Orchestra, which was a WW2 mod for UT2K4 that is a very intense and realistic depiction of the German & Russian combat theaters. If you can't imagine looking through a blurry hole in a chunk of metal that covers 75% of your screen, it kind of looks like this.

    The Spartan suit is also a nebulous piece of equipment that can be utilized to retcon anything in terms of story or gameplay elements, and auto-aim is a perfect example in the case of a cyborg marine. The reason you don't need to look down the iron sights is because the pressure of the hydrostatic gel is variably adjusted at each joint of your limbs to correct your aim-from-the-hip vector disparity with that of your HUD, etc ad infinitum
  9. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    You know, I never noticed that! I was always thinking about where he puts all the other weapons!
  10. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    It already seems as if they haven't progressed much technology for 500 years, the last disadvantage they need is iron sights.
  11. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Ah, but that's what I said. All of the CQB weapons seem to have sights, despite the fact you would very rarely look down them at their appropriate range.

    And what about the marines? The ones who don't have helmets, like Johnson? Despite him allegedly being a SPARTAN I, he can accurately fire a Spartan Laser without any aim assistance. This wasn't really a controversy thread, merely an observation.
  12. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Two words. Neural implants.

    They implant a sort of weapon interface into the brain, and I think their retinas, that allows them to interface their weapons system that they are using. Look up marines on halopedia, and it will say something about how they aim without iron sights, the training they go through, and some speculation on what biological alterations they go through.
  13. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    What about Miranda Keyes? And how do the marines fire Covenant weaponry?

  14. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    In H3, Miranda only shoots once with the shotgun, from point blank range. As for the marines with covenant weapons, in theatre mode, they kinda scope down the weapon even when it doesn't have an iron sight. In other words, more eyeballing the shots, even though most cov. weapons have some kind of lock on system anyways.
  15. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    They kind of guess it, you know? Ever fired any kind of gun in real life? Even those nerf guns? It's like you can feel where it's going to shoot, or you some shots as a sort of aiming aid or tracer, and just adjust from there. I used to play airsoft, and it is hella hard to aim down the sight with the bulky mask I had (it was actually a paintball mask, lol) so I would usually feel where I was going to shoot. You know what I mean? It's hard to explain because you have to experience it yourself to know the feeling.

    Also, Miranda Keyes, and most other ship commanders, have an exterior implant placed on the back of their head, where the spinal cord connects to the brain, that is used to interface with the ship more efficiently (supposedly) and can also double as a HUD, or they also get nueral implants foot soldiers, like marines.
  16. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    First, Halo isn't exactly the most realistic game out there, look how much damage the marines can take.

    Second, The Master Chiefs HUD works by his armor interfacing with the gun and the counter and reticule appears on screen and as stated early the suit gives them perfect aiming.

    Marines do have Neural Implants and so do Officers, (Remember Captain Keyes)

    Marines did have visors in Halo 1 but remember that you got to see through Pvt. Jenkins Camera which was the visor and I didn't see a reticule. As for the other games I haven't seen any. Halowars is before Halo 1 so if falls into the above category.
  17. natu

    natu Ancient
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    Well SMG's actually have Iron sights. You can't use them because it's a short range weapon.
  18. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I've wondered this for so long...can someone explain to me where the heck the scope is on the rocket launcher, carbine, beam rifle, and fuel rod cannon are that allow you to zoom in and out? it drives me crazy -- more so than iron sights.
  19. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    Before anybody can make it into the UNSC, they must go through training, and part of the training is getting neural implants, which go in their spines and plug into their brains, making their eyes and muscles act as one so they can hit their target.
  20. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Huh. Well, that clears it up nicely. Thanks for taking a huge dump on my theories :p

    However, this still doesn't explain about the marines and their abilities to shoot Covenant weapons. Or do the neural implants apply for this as well, like the HUD in MJOLNIR armour?

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