I am doing one on foundry where you spawn outside the map, and you go through the teleporter when you want to fight. It is completely indestructible boundaries and i have all grenades but frags since they don't stick. I want to take away honor rules by not allowing people to go to the other side. I have done high gravity with crates and stuff but they are too high while barriers are too low. I have also tried using teleporters that send you out of the map and you die but i want something that won't be as big of a distraction. I was wondering what you guys did on Cell Block 71 where you couldn't jump at all in jail. If you have any ideas post.
Maybe make the game on a second floor, with a pit in the center. Like a trench. Put teleporters down there to lead back to the second floor. Keep the gravity high. Try that.
No... but I like the pit in the center idea ALOT better.. that will keep the honor system in dodgeball... kudos to Spartan...
Couldn't you get a custom height using a floating wall and having the entire arena elevated? If you use the pit, make sure there are multiple exits for each side or you could have people jumping in at the same time to have the teleporter blocked and the other person enter the other team's side.
Ahh that would be a problem... if you set the sides far enough apart you could have the teleporters set up so that you can't jump far enough to actually hit the other side's teleporter... I always forget that that is the problem with it...
hmm that is a problem... You could possibly set something up with gravlifts and mancannons so when they fall they get shot off to the teleporter that they have to go into that way the other team cant get into theirs, and seperate it by a wall you can jump on Not sure on that one.
Edit: I have cleaned it up and I think it plays nice. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15761027&viewreplies=true Tell me what you think of my first work, I think I am not quite to guilder status yet . I also had trouble with screenshots I tried a custom game and forge where I looked around at the stuff I wanted then went to theatre but It wouldn't let me take screenshots. If you know what I am doing wrong help an amateur out, thanks.