Easy Street is simply a street with a building at the end of the street. There are smaller structures that line the street. The map is made for asymetrical objective games. The building is the defensive structure and the offense starts at a small outpost on the other end of the street. There are 4 ways into the base. The front door, the stairs on the left side (if facing the base), the parkade enterance on the right side and the "sewer" enterance located in the parkade as well. The sewer runs from one of the smaller structures under the street and into the parkade. The map is setup for ONE FLAG, ONE BOMB, ONE SIDED VIP. Download here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=78494825 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=78494825 Map overview (don't pay attention to the extra stuff. This map is only v1, so i don't wanna erase all that stuff yet) Building overview (showing the parkade enterance closed) P1 --- The parking level Pic of part of the sewer. Crawling room only! The back of the building Anyways, this is the first version of this map. People have said that the road should be longer, curved, not all one height. But I don't have any decent pieces left so alot of that is tough.
I like the simplicity of the map and i do agree with the people that said that the road needs some more cover. The road would work without cover if it was shorter, but it isn't so i really don't know what to do with it. My favorite part is the sewer because it's really original and has cool detail in the parking garage. I also think that the warthog would just destroy and it wouldn't be any fun. Overall 4/5-SOLID MAP!
Ok, Im not gonna use this in any way, and this is just a suggestion, (I don't know how to start my own thread for this and other things) But what if there was a glitch that gave you infinate items? Kinda like the infinate budget glitch, but it would be a lot better. I like the map, the second screenshot makes it look a lot better in my opinion, because I like any map with interlocking like that. I also like the sewers and the street lights. 4.5/5
This looks like a good, solid map. I was thinking of doing something kind of like this, but I couldn't play lately. I agree with everyone else, though, the sewer idea was brilliant.
Thanks Squirrel! The road is completely inter-locked, making it as smooth as I could. I would say 99% of the map is interlocked in some way. I def. need to find some way to improve the "cover" factor, but I'm just waiting to hear some advice from you guys before I do anything. And Shortkidd, you might be right about that warthog, but with the debris in the road, the pothole in the road I thought it might help balance it out abit. Both teams get a warthog too. Not just the defenders.
This map looks great! I might suggest you add deployable covers and bubble shields for the attackers to get some moveable cover. And also a Grav lift or a Chopper... But those are just some suggestions. As the map itself, it's very well laid out, the sewer was brilliant (As others stated), and the aesthtics are pleasing as well, 4.5/5. Great map. Edit: Maybe a bit more on the attackers base too... >.>
Ummm the link isn't working... I REALLY want to dl but can't if you redo the link I will dl and rate later. Thanks
Ya, I knew the mongoose goes in the pipes. The warthog can also fit in the enterance, blocking it, but it won't actually go in. I don't know what a Zombie group is, so I can't help you there. Glad you liked the map. Also, I just noticed that on my overview pic, there are some pieces that haven't appeared yet! I always seem to forget some of them!
Very simple, yet very nice! The aesthetics of the building are nice, but aren't you easily killed in the sewer and the streets? There isn't much cover in either places. But, other than that, nice map!
Yes, cover is a bit of a problem on the street level. I have a pot hole, a fallen light post, 2 barricades and all the structures on the sides and a bubble sheild, but I don't know what else I could add without hindering the already limited driving room of the warthogs. As for the sewers, well its not really that long of a stretch, and I don't think it'll get used that much cause people hate crawling. (the pipe on high ground for example. It gets used, but not very often.) But thanks, and if you can think of any suggestions for street-side cover, let me know.