Redemption *UPDATED* Redemption is a Narrows-based map designed for use with the "Onslaught" gametype. "Onslaught is a Land Grab gametype where players spawn with Plasma Pistols that kill in four shots and have to hold as many areas of the map as they can for 15 minutes. The team with the most areas held at the end wins the game. This gametype has been seriously inspired by Star Wars: Battlefront. The Map: Spoiler Redemption is a Narrows-based map designed for use with the "Onslaught" gametype. It is modified to support 7 Territories. I've also added some other cover, as well as my own special touches Pictures: Spoiler Each Base has a Territory near the Man Cannon. Each base has another Territory opposite of the Man Cannon. This is where each team spawns. This is the Middle Territory. Each base has a Custom Powerup. Action Pics!: The Gametype: Spoiler Onslaught Onslaught is an original Land Grab Variant I've created. Players start off with Plasma Pistols, grenades, and their fists. Don't fret- Plasma Pistols will kill in four shots. Players cannot pick up weapons, so once you have thrown both of your frags, that's it. It somewhat resembles Star Wars: Battlefront. Players also cannot dual-weild their lethal Plasma Pistols, which is a good thing. Game Traits: Spoiler Player Traits: Spoiler Shields and Health: Damage Resistance: 50% Shields: No Shields Weapons and Damage: Damage Modifier: 300% Primary Weapon: Plasma Pistol Secondary Weapon: None Grenade Count: Map Deafault Grenade Regen.: Disabled Infinite Ammo: Enabled Weapon Pickup: Disabled Movement: Player Speed:110% Player Gravity: 150% Vehicle Use: Full Use Sensors: Motion Tracker: Off Appearance: Active Camo: Off Waypoint: Teammates Only Forced Color: Off Territory Settings: Spoiler Generic: Territory Capture Time: 15 seconds Sudden Death: Unlimited Time Limit: 15 minutes Rounds: 1 Grenades on Map: Default Weapons on Map: None Vehicles on Map: Default Friendly Fire: Off Defender Traits(traits you get when stading on a Territory your team controls): Forced Color: White Attacker Traits(traits you get when stading on a Territory your enemy controls or a neutral Territory): Forced Color: Black Custom Powerup Traits: Spoiler Duration: 3 seconds Weapon Pickup: Enabled The Custom Powerup will be sitting on a weapon holder along with certain grenades. This is supposed to resemble SW:BF's Ammo Droids. Respawn Traits: Spoiler Respawn Modifiers: Synchronize With Team: Enabled Respawn Traits: Duration: 3 seconds Damage Resistance: Invulnerable Forced Color: Orange I am currently working on a map to fit this gametype. Basically, there will be nine structures- each team's main base, two corner bases for each main base, a centerpiece, and an arch-like bridge on either side of the centerpiece. Each seperate structure is a Territory. The idea of the game is to hold as many structures as possible until the 15 minutes is over. Oh, and one minute into the game, each main base gets two mongooses. Three minutes into play, each main base gets a Prowler(Trust me, they're not very overpowering. A well placed Frag Grenade will blow them up!). Please provide your thoughts about this gametype, as well as ways you think it could be improved. I'm open to everyone's thoughts.
I really like the gametype a lot. The map isn't special other than it supports the gametype. I love gamtypes where the plasma pistol kills so easily!
Thanks, WREX. I decided to just edit a default map so that there is a map for the gametype while I'm building a good map for it on Sandbox.
hmm you a test for a gametype on an ajusted pre DLC map. It looks like you're putting a lot of thought into this one and I can't wait to see your large effort map. I've been looking for some change in scenery latly and this doesn't disapoint. You did go a bit spoiler crazy on the post ( the list of traits kind of reminds me of the opening of a star wars movie.) Anyways the map is a great change of pace it mostlikely will give way to your newer map on my hardrive, but till then this is a very enjoyable map.
Haha! Winning it up, I see. Well, the gametype description was just copy-pasted from my XForgery gametype thread. This is definately a fun game to play with large parties. I reccommend 12-14 on this map.
could there be any more spoilers? lol but any this is a nice map i like the post you got a lot of info, and i dont under stand the first picture by the way, why would you need to have that bot there?
The Crate in the first picture is necessary because with the gametype, players have 150% gravity. You can make the jump, you just have to shift your weight towards the crate.
woot SWBF2 its good to be reminded of those good ole days. IM not sure how much work was done to the map itself, but since narrows = pretty much nothing yea... I love the gametype once again im glad some people still remember conquest fights on SWBF2
I didn't do a whole lot to the map, just changes that were mandatory and that would benefiet gameplay. I really just made this so there is a map to play the gametype on while I'm working on another map for it on Sandbox. I'll be getting some larger parties together this weekend via XForgery's "Weekend of Win", so if you're interested in joining, send me a message. My XBL GT is PELGORE.
hey this looks good pel. i like the game and the map is good to. this looks real fun can we play it later
Yeah, man. We'll get some games running on this later. I aslo plan on releasing a map pack for Onslaught, and Penguin Assassin may be co-forging it. I hope you all like it as much as I do. I literally played this game so much that I can't shoot someone if I'm not holding a Plasma Pistol.
do you realise you can delete the weapon holder on the cstm powerup and leave it floating, or is it meant to be there
I consider this more of a gametype then a map, I was a big fan of Battle front back in the day. But i never thought of remaking it. If you made a v2 of this map, you should move 2 gravlifts to the top of the cannon boxes. They never worked for me so i got a lot of suicides. I was really surprised that grenades weren't overused but melees were. To get i wish you could find a way to make punching impossible. The territories were great I loved how the tide could change in like 5 seconds. The gametype was a definite 5/5 instant classic. But i really didn't feel any extra effort put into the map (camping stools lying around, blocking off hiding spots ect.) so it's a 3/5 so im just going to average it. 4 guys trying to charge shot there pistol for extra damage, out of 5
This is genious. I remember when I used to play SWBF2. Good times... Anyway, this is very creative, but I noticed something. You didn't put in a gametype link, at least one I can see. And, can't people pick up the plasma pistols when the go to the "ammo droids"? They can just betray someone, then get the custom, then pick up 2 pistols. Then, that team has a big advantage. Otherwise, great map!
Haha! I really don't understand why people were trying that... Actually, the gametype link is where it says "Onslaught" in the gametype description. And, I turned off team damage, so the only way to get dual Plasma Pistols is to kill yourself with a grenade by the Ammo Droid, and then go back and take the powerup and dual weild the Plasma Pistol. This is hard to do, however, because is the people on you are playing with know how to play, they will be rushing for the Custom Powerup whenever they can. Oh, and here's another link to the gametype.