Help fellow ForgeHubbers! I am looking for 3 highly skill Halo 3 players to help me get out of my 'skill lock' I have been stuck at 44 for a while and I would really love to get to a 45 or even a 50 because I am seriously tired of people sayig I am a BK when actually I am better then most generals. I am currently a 44 in Team Slayer and this is what I need 3 people for. Tomorrow, Friday May 22, at 5:00 pm EST I would love for 3 highly skilled players to help me out. You need to be between 35-50 in Team Slayer, have a good Br and Snipe. All around a good solid slayer person. If you are interested please tell me what your highest skill is, your actual rank and you KD RANKED Ratio. When I have selected my 3 player I will PM them on Forge Hub and send them a friend request over XBL. Please state your gamertag. Mine is Minime637. Thanks
Hmmm since I am lower skill, but I am still good, that would put us up against worse people right? I am a 23ish or something in TS only and have been 27, which is my highest skill, but I only go in with randoms would make me lose. And the reason I am down 4 skill is because I boost my stupid little brothers to captains when they can't get past 12 skill. But, I am truly good, I just don't play ranked much anymore. Captain 27 Highest Skill 1.25 K/D Ratio Edit: O yes I have had a legit fifty but I sold it, but it WAS more or less boosted in Squad battle by myself and a few friends.
Okay cool. Please send me a friend request my Gamertah is Minime637. Even though you are a 23ish in ts it is still worth a try. Are you availiable tomorrow at 5ish EST? Thanks
Idr my skill in team slayer, I believe 24 or up in the upper 20's only cause I'm usually playing social with my buddies. Idk. I'm a 41 in Lone wolves. Decent shot with the sniper, great BR. I wouldn't mind helping you but I can't be completely sure I'll be on. Time's no issue but I got RRoD and shouldbe expecting my xbox in the next 4-5 days, possibly even tomorrow. You can still FR me and we can always play next week no problem. edit;; Ratio: - Ranked = 1.00 - Social = 1.23
okay cool thanks guys if you could just state your gamertag or are they the same as tyour username. iI will send ones to the username. thanskks
Go in by yourself or else you most likely won't rank. If you do go it with people just go in with 1 and don't party up. me and my friends get like 48 in one night playing with randoms but when we are playing with 50s in team slayer (thinking we'd get a 50 if we beat 50s), we don't go up no matter how much we win. and how you get better. (I'd say) Br, sniper ffa matches with good kids. play like 30/40 mins of that before you go into teamslay and you'll rape.