Id just like to see what magazines Forgehub reads if any at all. My favorite game magazine is GameInformer. -Always has a good looking cover -Usually has at least one exclusive preview,review or cover story -Good scoring system GI is on a roll Bioshock 2, Assassins Creed 2, and Modern Warfare 2 in consecutive cover storys, impressive. Just shows that GI is a very trusted magazine thatll give your game good publicity. Oh and i just got this mag today Thanks Dad for renewing my subscription!!! PS:I also like OXM but hate the scoring system Edit: Im so freakin pissed for missing the bioshock 2 gameinformer!!!
mmm I also read Gameinformer, go mine yesterday and it was an interesting read though i dont have another 'Gaming Mag' I do get PC World as another Magazine.
OXM, its cheap and i get it from gamestop and 711, i like it cause it has like, amaxing game reviews, and every edition has demos ;D
Ok I know you must have not said cheap!!! OXM is a great magazine but it is 10 bucks! thats not cheap for a game magazine. I blame it on the disc which has demos you can get on the marketplace. I only play the demo fir the gamerpics...
i don't get magazines now - the internet has everything i'll ever need that can be obtained via magazine.
thats debatable although I agree with you in a way. I believe EGM went down the toilet becuase 1) The magazine was too short and ugly 2)the site ran the magazine so any info in the magazine was on the site! thats just stupid 3)they had staff changes each issue I say good riddance EGM But you can say you can get any game news on say wich is a good site but magazines are sometimes more proffesional than a random game site in the thousands that are out there
No, not really. Sometimes the game magazine can inform you of upcomming games, and can also have information most websites don't. Most magazine publishers don't show information on their websites. They only put it in their magazines. I go with Gamepro. It's not so informative, but it's very comely.
Actually, no. As soon as the magazine is out, it's probably been scanned and released on the internet.
EGM was my favorite. Not that I got a lot of gaming magazines though. Like what was said before, just use the internet.
I'm subscribed to OXM currently. Before I bought an unofficial mag called... I dunno, I'm looking at it, and it appears that it's just called "360". It was the cheapest one on sale (£2.95), but even though OXM usually costs around £6 and is sometimes rated 18, I got a subscription for my birthday and I love the content. This month they had a reality check section on games (e.g. do soldiers really pick up enemy guns, can a person really 'double jump' etc.). So OXM FTW!
yeah i like oxm too. Are you european? i think i know what that 360 magazine is. Miost other magazines that are 360 based except oxm are euro, just go to a barnes and noble. But yeah that 360 magazine is BIG.