QUADRANT V3 After many hours, and many expletives, Quadrant V3 is finished. To all of you who haven't seen the original, Quadrant V3 is a perfectly symmetrical map, made for Team and FFA Slayer, Assault, and CTF. All gametypes work, SWAT and Team Snipers work great, even though I have yet to make edited-for-the-gametype versions of it. Now onto pictures. Overview Overview 2 Yet another overview Red Base/Bomb Spawn/Flag Spawn/Kitchen Sink Central Structure Y-Intersection/Bubble Shield/BR Spawn Weapon List: BR x4 Sniper x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Spiker x4 Magnum x4 SMG x2 Carbine x2 Plasma Grenade x12 Frag x4 Bubble Shield x2 DOWNLOAD QUADRANT V3
Looks quite good. Im a HUGE fan of symetricall and asthetically pleasing maps. This map did it for me. 4/5 because of playability, I can see so many awesome place to do jumps up onto the middle or higher areas that dramatically increase playability.
Thanks for the feedback! I too am a huge fan of symmetrical and asthetically pleasing maps. Hence quadrant was created.
I really like the layout of this map. The center structure is nice and it looks like it supports great gameplay and it's aesthetically pleasing as well. Good map
Oh, I forgot. In the BR/ Bubble shield spawn, there are also a pair of magnums on top of the Tube Y-Intersection. Sorry for the mistake. Help keep this thread alive!
i really like this map, there is alot of cover and the jumps are amazing. I LOVE symmetrical maps. nice job 4.5/5
this map has a lot of really good structures that catch the eye but u need to add some more weapons because i didnt see any in the pics. and maybe cover in few a few places and it will be really good
Did you not read the conveniently placed weapon list? And play the map before deciding it doesn't have enough cover.
Quite a simple design but really effective with a nice amount of cover reducing the long lines of sight that are on a large number of crypt based map that I've seen. From what I can see the merging looks nice and clean. I'll give it a dl and take a closer look, for now 4/5. ELITE
I'm definetly going to check this out. I too have a series of maps called Quadrant. They're on foundry though, made the first when foundry came out.
Hmmm... What kind of maps are your Quadrant series? Send me a link and I'd be happy to check them out!
Not bad, i like it. Its seems though, that everything might have been a little randomly placed. Not that you just through a mpa together but it looks more like a forge as you go type of map without it being planned and thought out. This isn't a bad thing necessarily and the map might grow on everyone and turn out to be great gameplay wise. We'll just have to see.
You are actually right, this was a semi forge-as-you-go map. I knew that I wanted the map to be symmetrical, and that I wanted to have a base in each corner, but that's all.