Dodge Crypt

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Phoenix619, May 21, 2009.

  1. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    Dodge Crypt
    Created by Phoenix619 and Garret Mander and Synth App

    Back story:
    During the glassing of Africa a structure was uncovered. A team of researchers were sent to investigate the structure and what they found horrified them. During the initial investigation vehicular mishap caused the death of one of the scientist. As the others looked on their friend's body rose back to life and climbed in the car that killed him. Terrified and disoriented the remaining scientist were chased deeper into the structure where they fell into their crypt.

    Dodge Crypt is composed of an open center floor were the vehicular manslaughter will take place and two bases offering your choice of Warthog, Mongoose or Prowler. The center floor has 4 spike grenades that spawn at 20 second intervals. These grenades can be used to flip mongooses and hogs, however they can't be used to destroy the vehicles. The two trip mines spawn at 90 second intervals and can be used to destroy all the vehicles and their zombie driver.

    The Humans spawn in the open floor area and have to survive as long as they can, a single round is 6 minutes. While the zombies will spawn right next to one of the vehicles. If the zombies want to get a new vehicle they can search the base for one or drive to the other base and jump into it to retrieve a new vehicle. Kill balls spawn into the corners at 1 minute to prevent people from camping in the corners and cause a little more mayhem. As in the original Dodge Zombies there is a fusion coil launching system which fires fusion coils towards the center structure, don't get caught in the middle of these explosives.

    Gametypes supported:
    Custom Infection Gametype - Dodge Zombies GT

    Gameplay Video, Screen shots follow

    Link to Youtube Video


    Red Base

    Red Prowler Spawn

    First Red Goose Spawn

    Second Red Goose Spawn

    Red Hog Spawn

    Blue Base

    Blue Prowler Spawn

    First Blue Goose Spawn

    Second Blue Goose Spawn

    Blue Hog Spawn

    Spike Grenades Spawn/ Floor Overview

    Trip Mine Spawns

    Fusion Coil Launch System

    Fusion Coil Explosions

    Action Shots:

    Spike vs Prowler

    Watching You

    Spike vs Goose

    Looks like Trouble


    Download Dodge Crypt
    Download Dodge Zombies GT

    Thanks everyone hope you have fun playing Dodge Crypt.

    #1 Phoenix619, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  2. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a really fun map that has a good idea. I just have one question about what the teleporter at the top of the center structure does. Other than that, the map looks great and looks like a crapload of fun. The open area might want to have some more bumps and things for the people to dodge with, but other than that, it looks AMAZING!

  3. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This kind of reminds of "Smear the pinky"
    For the gametype did you use infection?
    If not I would highly suggest making the Zombies the drivers, and splattering the dodgers. That way, the more Zombies, the harder it is to dodge.
    Again, great job and idea.
  4. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Mr. P1B, yes Infection was used as the gametype and the Zombies are the drivers and the Humans the dodgers.

    ShortKidPena there is no teleporter at the top of the middle structure.

    Thank you both for looking at the map, hope you have fun.
  5. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ahh ok, sweet deal then.
    Appriciate the reply.

    I'm going to give this a spin later on tonight.
  6. Drummerguy360

    Drummerguy360 Ancient
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    Unique spin on Bull Dome and maps like that. I like the idea, but the aesthetics aren't working for me, and I must admit they are the reason I am not downloading. The center "pole" looks nice, but I think the problem is the lack of a "theme"
    I understand that it's hard to add good aesthetics to this kind of map, but if you want to make a v2, I think I can help you out with that. I have a couple ideas to fix that which are difficult to explain.
    Message me if you want me to help you out this weekend.

    4/5 --average
    for the idea.
  7. Hinecrack

    Hinecrack Ancient
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    I really like the idea behind this map, it looks like it is original and plays well. The youtube video helped alot of understand the gametype and looks fun. Will play later with some friends and tell you how it goes.
  8. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    Ill download this and try it later, looks like a lot of fun. While watching you video it seemed like it was pretty easy for the zombies to kill the humans. How long do the rounds normally last?
  9. Phoenix619

    Phoenix619 Ancient
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    The rounds normally last about 3 to 4 minutes, depending on how long it takes the alpha zombie to kill a human and get help. When there is only one vehicle to look out for it is pretty easy to dodge, but when you have 3 or more it gets harder to dodge.
  10. garret mander

    garret mander Ancient
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    It's probably similar to some other game types that have popped, but it's based of the original dodge zombies on foundry made by me Pheonix619 and synth app. That file is still in my file share I believe if you like this one and want to see the original.
    #10 garret mander, May 21, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  11. EndersShadow129

    EndersShadow129 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice map Pheonix, I like the idea of the gameplay. It is very original and me and my friends had a blast playing the map. The layout is simple but effective, the aesthetics are wonderful. Great job.

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