on blackout, people use it to get the sniper down without traveling the risky path to it. it has many uses, and i cant see why people would hate it that much.
im only asking if it helped you get a kill or if it sadly blew up next to you when you were close to a kill
From a forgers' perspective, fusion coils can make some areas more interesting and fun if they are used correctly. For instance, place one or two near a frequently camped area or a very popular area and give the others a chance.
They can be both good or bad, but I think you are trying to say to post your fusion coil stories or something like that. I was going up the sniper tower in Blackout to get a good position in SWAT, then BOOM goes the fusion coils, it kills me, and my teammate behind me. I try to blow up all the fusion coils on the map though, just for fun.
I remember doing that on Lockout, it was awesome to be on the other side of the map and have the sniper rifle fly down to you. In Halo 3? I have got some pretty good kills from beyond the grave with them, sometimes almost sacrificing myself to keep the opponent near the fusion coils when my grenade goes off.
once upon a tim, when I was young and impressionable, I put all the fusion coils and propane tank in the centre of last resort. Made for sme very interesting explosions and vehicel kills, I can tell you.
Well aren't you Mr Fantastic I attempt to get someone with a fusion coil all the time. Just as long as I'm not near them because 90% of the time it'll kill me to -.- Half the time when I shoot far away they don't kill anyone either. They're always too far away
I'm almost positive that pretty much every Halo 3 player who's even aware of forge has done that. Mostly cause its awesome and we should all do it more often. Load up the laser tower on Last Resort with explosives, then lay a single warthog in there, and set everything instant respawn. Warthog cannon!
i always puish the fusion coil into the lift in valhalla or shoot at it atleast. and about 40% of the time i get a kill, one time, i pushed one through vallhalla main mancannon, and splattered someone. here DL link if you wanna watch it. Download Herrrr
Definatley a friend. I used to roll them around in Zanzibar (Halo 2) in to a big pile and rammed them with a warthog.I actually go ontop of the whole map without superjumps
I just remembered I made a narrow tube sort of thing with walls, stuck fusion coils in them, put a cone at the end, and make a little slit at the back so I can shoot the fusion coil, and it sucked.
I agree that instant respwn with max fusion coils and propane tanks are an enjoyable time killer. But in MM games theyre useless on most maps mainly just used as a distraction
For me the fusion coil is a foe. I was playing team slayer on the pit when I noticed an elite from the opposing team walking passed the fusion coils near the invisibility. I, had just walked through the rocket spawn and was heading over to help my teammate when I saw him. When I shoot the fusion coils to kill the elite, they blew up and only hurt him. As I continued through to the shotgun hall(oblivious to that fact that the elite was not dead), I was shot and killed by the fusion coils near the shotgun hall by the same person I should have killed. While they have helped me in the past, I am still very careful around them because of that moment.
Fusion Coils+Grenades=Stop Campers Stop Campers=Win Fusion Coils=win! Ya, but really I like them. They keep people from camping and they really have never made me mad.
Hey lets not forget our covenent counter-part the plasma battery or what ever that thing on top of the sniper tower on guardian is called. But anyway i was playin once and i had the overshields and was at the sniper tower. And someone threw a grenade and the explosion launched me all the way down to sniper lift it was epic. So yes in most cases i see the any explosive as a friend... except for propane tank those things are just flat out stupid.
Oh gawd, this just brings back memories of self-sustaining explosions and flying metallic animals. Let me just say this: Playing a 16-player custom game on Foundry with a fence box full of instant respawn fusion coils doesn't make for a fun experience...