WASSUP BROES 'N HOES!!!!!!! Papa XD here and ive just finished a new race track called "Divinity". This track will test your skills, your mind, and your sweat glands. This track incorperates a geo-merged wall at the beginning as well as the first turn. After completing the first turn you will speed down through a small tunnel and in to a larger second turn. While coasting through the second turn, dont look down, as you will fall back to the start if you fall off. Then, complete the second turn and watch the air around you go into a fantastic blur as you race through a large tunnel. However, like the movies, what lies at the end of this tunnel isnt necessarily a good thing. The 4th turn, instead of banking up, banks DOWN! Dont worry tho shield doors are placed so you dont fall off the turn. After pinballing through the 4th turn, head around the final turn and cross the Goal. Thanks for reading guys and viewing "Divinity"!!! Also big thanks to Roggue Shaddo (Shaddo Blade) for doing some vital tests for me. ENJOY SOME DELICIOUS PICS NOW!!!!!!!!!!! YAY POINT FOR MEE!!! Some Skyward views of the track DOWNLOAD LINK::: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserCont...fileid=79004096
Wow that is incredibly smooth. The aesthetics are brilliant as welll. My favorite part is the tunnel, because it adds a unique feel to the other great racetracks recently.
Wow.It looks like it plays great!The asetheics are awsome to.But you might want to link a gametype.Overall it plays so nice.Great job Papa XD!
This is definitely your best track yet. It's smooth, enjoyable, and has a good competitive nature to it. The tunnels are fun, and the one is the longest I have ever seen on a racetrack. The only big problem I found was that after coming out of that tunnel and dropping down, if you turn as you drop, you sometimes flip. Other than that, the map is a true beaut. I await the release of your next map with great anticipation.
cool man looks awesome I can't wait to try it out I always love the new tracks that are good =) It looks like alot of different types of banks too which I like!