Hey people from Forgehub! This is my very first map, so take it easy... About it: after Sandbox was launch, we've seen inumerous Warlock remakes. Some very good, but I've never really found one that would replicate everythink that Warlock had. So, when I saw the Forgotten Treasures contest, I though, hey, I could do that! VIDEO ADDED, its pretty fast, no one was playing seriously, but it can give you a batter idea of the map. Capture by HK_Trammell Archmage Gameplay Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game Room@@AMEPARAM@@http://gameroom.mlgpro.com/v/BU6TsrYZbhA@@AMEPARAM@@BU6TsrYZbhA ARCHMAGE Number of Player: 2-10 Gametypes: Team Slayer, FFA, Capture the Flag (multiflag up to 4 teams!), King of the Hill, Oddball and Territories. I recommend SMG start for more nostalgic feel or BR start for more competitive game. MLG Version: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Weapon List/Power Up: 1 Camo - 120s 4 Shotgun - 60s, +1 clip 2 Needler - 90s, +2 clip 2 SMG - 30s, +2 clip 4 Plasma Autorifle, 30s 2 Magnum: 45s, +2 clips 4 Battle Rifles: 45s, +2 clips 10 Plasma Grenades: 45s 8 Frag Grenades: 45s Note that the weapons and Respawn time are the very same of the old Warlock. Except for 2 SMG that replace 2 Needlers, this ones with greater spawn time. Camo have more respawn time also. Now, the Screenshots: EDIT: WHEN THE PICS WERE TAKEN AT FIRST TIME THERE WERE NO LIGHT, NOW THE MAP DO HAVE THEM. Overview: Top Mid: Bottom Mid: Blue Platform: Platform, Front: Red Base: Platform Bottom: Base, elevator side (based on green base of warlock, that was open): View from inside: Teleport place: And just like you could do in Warlock: Notes: - The map is escapeble with Grenade jump in the Archs. Its quite hard, dangerous, because if anyone tries will probably be killed and people that get out of map are gay, but I'll fix this soon. - I tried to make the purple "power up" but I wasnt working out, so I just left it blank. Right now you have Blue, Red, Yellow and... erh Dark... Base. Hope you like it, thanks! PS: need playtesters, Gametag: Sulfuric H2SO4 My internet suck, need someone with awesome internet to be host.
First of all, I don't usually comment on maps unless they're worth my time. I must say, this remake looks amazing. By far the best warlock i've seen. I'll be happy to play test it with you. I'll add you as a friend right now but i wont be on until later tonight. One suggest i have is to get rid of at least 2 of the needlers because the needler has changed since Halo 2. other than that it looks great from the looks of the screenshots. EDIT: I guess I should of read it first, you already address the needler issue.
Yeah, thats the problem Im worried. BUT, with so much cover in a small map I wonder how good the needler is. Only by playtesting we will know. If broken I'll put 2 SMG instead of 2 Needlers.
Pros: The best remake of this map period. The geomerging is great, the camo/OS above each base to represent it is also great. There is actually a bottom mid, most remakes of this map don't even have that, it is a crucial element in the map. The teleporters are placed just like in the original, and the spot above the teleporters were people used to camp there was also awesomeley forged. Excellent job. Cons: None that I can see at the moment.
The weirdest conincidence I have ever seen. Plz, someone tell that I am not the only one recognising this or I go mad ..
Don't get me wrong. I believe everyone who post here to post his own ideas. But it is just weird. Maybe it lies in the structure of Warlock itself, but .. I don't want to be the judge deciding what remake is better. Again, I DO think everyone built on his own!! There is enough difference in object usage, I watched both threads pic for pic over a couple of minutes.
What I can tell you is that we both used the same source: Halo 2 Warlock/Map Overview - Halo2 Wiki - Halo 2 Multiplayer Guide, Maps, Weapons, Strategy
Not really a coinkydink. It's a popular H2 map, so it is bound to be remade loads, I can see the differences.. This looks real neat, I'd love to playtest it with you, but I'm busy all night :'[ This looks very accurate to the H2 map (Definately in my top 3 favourite maps) so you will get my DL and forge-through review when I get back online R
There are a lot of similarities, but then again, there's not many other options for a lot of the architecture in Warlock given the Sandbox pieces. Both are superb remakes but I think this one is a little closer to the mark with the arches on each rising platform and the area around the teleporters. Very nice job on this remake. If you need another tester, let me know. This was one of my favorite H2 maps.
hey, this map is really good. Its the best Warlock Remake that I have seen yet. The only thing is, i would like to see the teleporters merged into the ground and on top of it too.
No, I just wanted to express how much I like this map. It was worth commenting on. I'm not a great forger so i can respect a map like this one. No harm meant.
On the top is possible, on the ground, quite hard. Anyway there are other issue I should take care first. If I take out 2 blocks that make the wall of the teleports cave and geomerge a double block, this will give me +40 budget. So I can use that to: 1- make a smaller bottom mid room, so its closer to Warlock. 2- Make the pillar on right of each base, adding aditional cover there, as you can see here: [media]http://h2.halowiki.net/p/Image:LockBlueBase.JPG[/media] What's better? EDIT: just want to say thanks for all the positives feedbacks, it really motivates me to continue improving. Thanks everyone.
Interlock the arches on the platform, maybe that will break the breaking issue? And it would look better
Yay this map is giving me that nostalgic halo 2 feeling i loved. Great remake and most certainly a dl from me!
Hey guys good new, I discovered that the maximum run-time of certain items were high (plasma granade was very high), then I change to the minimum I could and... +55 budget. So I decided to realease a V2 List of Changes: - Add of Blue Light - Add of Red Light - Adicional Wall to prevent breaking. - Remove of 2 Needlers, Respawn time changed to 1:30 - Add 2 SMG, 30s +2 clips - Change Camo Respawn time to 2:00 - MLG Version added. LINK: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details MLG Version link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Love it! You spent time on this, I can tell. The architecture matched the old, and therefore, the gameplay ought to as well! One of the best remakes I've seen! In fact, this is the sole best Wizard/Warlock remake out there. This one puts them all to shame. 5/5
Even MORE update: I did a "H3 version". This means more balanced weapons and equipments. Download here: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details I also updated the to and V2.1, the changes are: - few spawns changed. - Territories added. They are the very same ones as the old Warlock. This are the final version, I promise. At least until I glitch the map for infinite budget.