This is another one of my Streets map, but I named it Templar because it's all stone opposed to the steel objects found on Foundry. I though about how many possibilities there where to make a map fun and competitive to play on. There are 2 main alley ways; an L shapes layout, like the one found on the Halo 2 map, Turf. Where the two alleys meet, there is a chaingun Warthog. On the left alley there is a small outpost with 2 barricades, a turret, and a radio tower. On the right alley, there is a wall which you can bust through with the Warthog into the prayer room. In the the center of the map, there is a plaza and a few side streets. Under the plaza there is a medium side chamber that connects to the prayer room. There is only 6 starting points for a FFA Slayer and only 4 respawn points, I ran out of objects, sorry. Enjoy. Download it here. Weapons: 2 Battle Rifles 3 Carbines 2 Plasma Rifles 2 SMGs 2 Spikers 1 Needler 1 Brute Shot 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Shotgun 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Human Turret Equipment: 5 Spiker Grenade 2 Flame Grenade 1 Trip Mine 1 Radar Jammer 1 Deployable Cover Vehicle: Warthog/Chaingun Longsword -Map Layout- -The Street- -Left Street- -Right Street- -Plaza- -Basement- -Brawling in the Street- -Cowards Way Out- -Lone Needler- -Prayer Room- -Bustin In-
Hey man this looks pretty good. I have to download this one. I really like the overall feel that you have implemented here. The layout also looks pretty interesting. I'll see if I can find anything wrong in your map. Good job so far.
Looks like a really well-forged re-imagining of Turf. Will download and get a game on it. I'll come back after checking it out.
Reminds me a lot of turf. really brings back memories. i like the use of the breakable wall in your map it makes it involves some physics and have awesome 1337 breaking powers of epicness! Will try and test it and get back to you on a review. Until then, keep forgin! -Dylan
This looks like to tried to remake turf, but ran out of items and changed the map with what you had left. Am i correct? Just a guess. I've been there. But an above average map nonetheless. You did a good job on the opening door, but i would have used a hinge switch.. I like how you changed the layout at the front of the map too. Great work man
Yea, I did try to make another Turf, but put a little twist on it. When I tested it out with my friends, it felt the same way when I played Turf back then.
I'm thinking of interlocking everything, but to tell the truth, i don't really think it matters that much.
wow i am amazed by this map, it kinda does look like a remake of turf. I really like the layout and how it can be vehicle accessible. the map is well balanced and the cover is just amazing. 5/5 and I think feature worthy.
Like I i said, I didn't think interlocking mattered that much. The game still runs smoothly and is still fun. But im thinking of taking out the trap door. The only thing that keeps it there is the sound of of dying men and the man cannon going off, then the cursing words of my friends. LMAO
I liked Turf back in the days of Halo 2, and I love what you've done with it. I like the idea of a breakable door. It gave me an idea. Do you mind if I use something like it in a map? It looks like you've spent some time on this, and it's well worth a download. I'm going to run some games on here, and I'll write up a review later.
Your map seems pretty good but with only 4 respawn points, I'm not sure we can play on it... Correct me if I'm wrong but it's my opinion.
hmm, i like it alot but ithink the weapon list is bugging me, have qued and will edit my post but this map seems not prepared for the power weapons your map contains,
This map is very creative especially the slightly elevated needler platform. Even small things make a big diffrence and you know what those things are. 4.5/5: This could use a tad bit more interlocking.
if you just edit a few of the things, like weapons, etc. I think I would give this map a 5 out of 5, though I have not tested it yet, I am going to soon.
ok, a lot of people have been complaining about the weapons; saying that there are too many power weapons. Where the power weapons are located restricts their use, plain and simple. The sniper is located underground in a chamber with pillars, the shotgun is in the open, and the rockets are only accessible at the end of the left street. With all of these power weapons, you have to go out of your way to get these.
Interlocking Yeah it is important but when you do it from the start. You might want to lose the interlocks all together and put it in the next lazy mapmakers contest cause it plays well. I might make the courtyard where the hog is a little bigger to give a little more maneuvering room. I like the trap too. ManRayX SIETCH HAIL MARY SHADOW-ASSAULT
Sadly I cannot add this to the lazy map makers section. I used interlocking in a few places. I've decided to make another map that's a bit a Turf, Terminal, and Templar. This one I started 2 weeks ago and from the start, I interlocked everything.
Rusty, if you check out some of my maps, such as Jerusalem, Leverage/Last Stand, I too enjoy making street/town based maps, If you were willing to collaborate, I bet we could come together to make a great map. I may not be at ur league yet, but i bet i could throw in some ideas with you.