Well, I think that the smudging is a little odd... The knight's sword arm sort of looks like its dissolving or something, and the shield looks a little weird too. I like the render though, and the background fits nicely with the coloring of the knight. The text choice and placement is good as well.
2 : marked by complexity, fullness of detail, or ornateness <elaborate prose> But not so much that it distracts from the focal.
Go here, read the section on text. The problem with your text is that I don't know which is more important. Is the Age of Empires more important then Eguitarplaya?
Move the EGP from the right side of the Age of empires to the right to keep the group closer to the dude first off. Keeps from attracting to much attention because they're just stuck out there.
Good sig and text, smudging could be better. take out that dash before your name. it looks bad. font could also be better.