Do almost all (eh, 80-90%?) of the MLG maps you guys see look nearly identical to one another? I mean yes, most are very good, but they all seem so similar to me. What do you guys think?
i assume you are talking about the ones on foundry. if you are then i agree. the three that are actually used in mlg, i think are used and look similar because they are all fast pased right from the start. also since mlg doesnt use fence walls or any moveable object they are limited to how much they can actually build, along with the fact that they dont want maps to be overcrowded withe structures or having them be so tall the take up a large amount of space and block lines of sight. a third reason is that people who make mlg maps i guess think they have to make it so that teams start off faceing one another, and that there must be that center bridge with the mauler on top of that one barrier.but dont get me wrong i love mlg and the maps they use. and its not everyone who does this ive seen some amzing asymetricl maps on foundry that are for mlg. I think its just that some people are afraid to be different and not use the same layout every map they make.
Some are just 2 bases with a centre structure and two towers. This isn't always the case though like Regicide which is an assymmetrical Foundry map. But now with Sandbox's abundant objects and forgespace maps will definitely break the mouid.
Those maps are Midship style maps. Two bases, two high towers, a bottom mid, top mid street, top and bottom bases. Look at Midship and then Onslaught or Amp. You will find many similarities. One thing I see now on Sandbox is the introduction of the popular asymmetrical or other diverse layouts for MLG maps.
Onslaught and Amplified have created a precedent for what many believe to be the ideal MLG map. People are unsure of what other approaches they can/should take when making a map for MLG.
Fixed. Midship was the original. EDIT: ________________________________ Take Blue Abyss for example. I was really happy when I saw this map, not just because the creator made a map on Avalanche or it had great aesthetics. The layout is so original and new features have been added that create new gameplay.
Actually i think the people that made Amp just deleted what they didnt need from Onslaught then added what they wanted.. the bases look to similar. Stock was an amazing map idk why they didn't keep it. and Lockdown is actually a better TS map than Oddball.. it baffles me why they used it for oddball.. Enough of my ranting though.. the only two i think look the same are Amp and Onslaught.. i hate Amp.. spawns are rediculous.