Konqueest Description: A symmetrical conquest map with a focus towards larger parties. Must be played with Heavy Conquest. Weapons List: Sniper - Spare Clips: 2 - Respawn Time: 90 - Placed On Map: 2 Brute Shot - Spare Clips: 2 - Respawn Time: 120 - Placed On Map: 2 Battle Rifle - Spare Clips: 2 - Respawn Time: 30 - Placed On Map: 2 Plasma Rifle - Respawn Time: 10 - Placed On Map: 4 SMG - Respawn Time: 10 - Placed On Map: 4 Spiker - Respawn Time: 10 - Placed On Map: 4 Frag Granade - Respawn Time: 30 - Placed On Map: 2 Spike Grenade - Respawn Time: 10 - Placed On Map: 2 Additional Comments: Originally this map was going to be posted before the release of the Mythic Map Pack, but obviously that didn't happen. Based on feedback from this post, I might make the map unbreakable, release a slayer version, or both. Oh, and FIRST MAP POST! Special Thanks To: GunnerGrunt for helping me set it up for conquest, and all who tested the map. Map Sketch Map Layout Spawn Area 1, Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3 Territory 4, Central Territory Territory 5 Territory 6 Territory 7, Spawn Area 2 Overview of Territory 5 Overview of Territory 3 Overview of Spawn Area 1 Overview of Spawn Area 2 Sorry testers, I forgot to save the film and now I can't post any of the action shots. Images embedded using Halo Screen Shots Download
Looks very good. Sweet use of interlocking, and great use of the items that Foundry has to offer. I'll have to DL this one. I hope to see more maps from you.
This looks really amazing! I much rather like maps done on foundry because they seem like classics, and they look much more like maps to be fighting on rather than on sandbox where some of the maps are just aesthetic. This is one of the best conquest maps on the planet! The entire map is awesome, but the center flag is pretty sweet. Also i love the starting areas and the ramps(it looks so smooth...lol) A+++ Overall-5/5
Thanks for the comments guys. There is only "one way". The first screenshot has the walls deleted to show the layout.
You have great forge skills but I don't underStand this as a conquest map. I'll download it though. Wanna play it with me so u can walk me through it? My gt is Ima steal some1 or Im African x (which I'm using now) just send me a message on live if u want to ofcourse.
this map looks very well forged and lots of well done interlocking. it really looks like you put alot of time into it. i like the map because i havent seen anythign like it before ill DL it and check it out hope you will make more maps soon very well done 5/5!!!
You should have just deleted the roofs as opposed to the walls and have taken an overhead shot to show the layout, because that first picture is just plain confusing. I definately need to download this to understand the layout, but I would use my suggestion and switch it with the first picture. The map may get more attention that way too, because the first picture strays from the fact that it's a linear setup.
The layout is absolutely incredible! It does make me wonder how having a set of narrow hallways will affect the gameplay... but hopefully it's for the better. I won't be able to decide until I have to opportunity to play this with other people.
I can't delete the roofs, because there aren't any. I didn't have enough items. I needed to delete the walls to get a shot of the whole map.
Ah, Doomgrunt, you got on forgehub! welcome. And youposted it! I remember playing this with you and gunnergrunt and theorum and everyone else a while back. The asthetics are amazing, love the center/moddle territory and stair/2nd territory, and the gameplay is hectic and awesome. You and gunnergrunt have a thing for conquest, and you're good at it. The snipers dominate it they pick up your ammo, sounds stupid, but watever, that's really my only critizism. Great map 5/5. Already have it as map . Keep forging, Conquest King JR.! -Dylan
Thanks for testing! I was trying to remember what the dominant weapon was when I changed the weapon timers today. I thought it was the brute shot, but now that you mention the sniper, I can remember it being more powerful than the rest.
I agree with that. Because the bruteshot timer is set to 120, I think it would be a good idea to set the sniper to 120 as well. That, or take off a clip. That should even things out a bit. But i do love how you can ricochet the sniper bullets under the bridges in the middle territory. I think i always ended up wasting half my sniper ammo, but it was sure satisfying once i finally got some kills that way lol.
The layout is like this: [][][] [])..[]..([] ......[][][] (Ignore the dots) Hope this clears up any remaining confusion about the map's layout (actually you could use this as a overview).
This maps Gameplay is great. The ascetics are incredible. I love the layout how both teams can turnaround at the beginning, and see the middle, and how they have those small little tunnels. I was reading the posts, that people put, and I couldn't understand why they don't understand the layout because of your pictures, I mean first off look how the spawns are placed, and then look at the freaking pictures, or DL the map!
I can see where they are coming from though, PIZZA... But its like Orbital. Once you understand the layout, the map is addicting. Umm...no, not quite. I mean, its one of the more complex conquest layouts. You should probably consider adding a sketch of the layout out soon, doom. But the layout really makes the map here. With variations in space, elevation, and angles, there is more to this map than most conquest maps out there. It takes a bit more skill to gain an upper hand, ya know? Like the middle territory for example. No one in their right mind is gonna sit in the middle territory to get kills, only to capture it. Most conquest maps have a dominant middle territory, which keeps the game centered near the middle. With Konqueest, players are encouraged to press forward as quickly a possible. The height changes also involve some strategy. With all 45 degree angles, sniper bullets bounce perfectly almost anyway on the map. And when you have a large group headed your way, its pretty easy to get a ricochet kill (very satisfying). The other weapons also work well with the angles, such as grenades and spikers. All in all, its a well thought out conquest map. Trust me, doomgrunt has helped me test many a conquest map. He knows what he's doing. Its also one of my favorite big team conquest maps! Yes, the weapons needs a little work, but thats all the map needs at the moment... Oh, and doomgrunt (my little brother) got his wisdom teeth taken out today, so I thought i'd tend his post till tomorrow...
Little brother... a warping of the worlds has occurred. Edit: Sorry it's kinda hard to do an accurate layout with the signs on the computer. Here we go: -------------- It's a "X" From the top right to the bottom right there's a "l" From the top left to the bottom left there's a "l". And the top right and the bottom left have walls just before the middle. -------------- How about that?
I'm guessing this is meant for conquest heavy? Because it looks like it's really easy to break otherwise, which is bound to kill the gameplay. At the same time, while I can't get a clear conception of how it is in-game, it appears from the screenshots that the weapons, while placed in a theoretically perfect way, aren't very noticeable. That might just be me, though. Not a bad map, and I look forward to seeing what you do with it. ^_^
Someone didn't read the post. Heavy Conquest doesn't "kill" the gameplay. You might know that if you took the time to play the map instead of just looking at the pictures.