Debate Gobama or Nobama ?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Donii, May 20, 2009.

  1. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    ive said twice, i didnt read the post at the time, and ive read it both times youve quoted it, i just wasnt finished,and its not the fact that you called him black, it was the fact of how you brought it up like "just what we need, a 40 year old black president" I knew there was sarcasm there. i just didnt see what the difference would be if he was black or white.
    that is what i found ignorant. and with melt your tv, it is just as ignorant. someones race shouldnt have to be mentioned in a debate on whether hes a good president or not.

    Am I Right?
  2. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    There you go
  3. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Umm...what? That's not a legitimate argument at all. Sure, many blacks voted for Obama because he's black. Alternatively, many whites (mostly in the South) specifically voted against Obama because he's black. Not a single county in Oklahoma voted for Obama. You can, in no way at all, legitimately say that Obama won the election because he is black. His race helped him and hurt him.

    He only increased our national security because September 11th was a wake-up call as to how vulnerable we were as a nation. Anyone with half a brain would reinforce our defenses after an attack like that. You praise Bush like a saint for strengthening our military after we lost thousands...

    That sentence does not make grammatical sense, nor does it present any argument whatsoever. Obama felt that his stimulus package would help cushion the economic crisis that Bush caused. You should not even consider criticizing the stimulus until you have given it years to take effect. Saying he "wasted" two trillion dollars does not prove ****. Explain how he "wasted" it. And why are you putting so much emphasis on the first 100 days? Obama inherited a terrible economic crisis. Are you suggesting he shouldn't have acted so quickly? He was elected to take action immediately.

    So he welcomed Hugo Chavez into the country. Why does that matter at all? Eisenhower welcomed Nikita Khrushchev into the U.S. in 1959, and Eisenhower consistenly ranks one of the top ten presidents in public opinion polls. Franklin D. Roosevelt met with Stalin at Yalta, and I think we all know how great of a president Roosevelt is considered to be...

    Obama isn't leaving Afghanistan in the middle of a war...what are you saying? He has constantly said that we got sidetracked in Iraq...the Taliban in Afghanistan are the ones who caused 9/11 in the first place. Obama's policies will send more troops to Afghanistan, where we belong. Bush wrongly assumed that Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, and now we're stuck dealing with an insurgency in Iraq...that's the hardest type of war to fight in. He's not "ruining" Iraq...Iraq was never our war in the first place. To quote General Omar Bradley, the Iraq War is "the wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and with the wrong enemy."

    Well, part of what you said there is right. This entire torture controversy has stemmed from Bush's war crimes. Obama did nothing wrong by releasing the information regarding torture to the public. Hell, the public has the right to know what its government is doing. You can't justifiably blame Obama for Bush's failures, yet that's exactly what you're doing.

    I won't tackle that last statement, as you have provided no proof or legitimate point.

    Now you're just making excuses. If the problem didn't come from the Bush Administration, then where did it come from? Don't shove it onto Clinton's shoulders...he is primarily considered a successful president because of the booming United States economy during his presidency. It certainly isn't Clinton's fault. And I'm pretty sure there was a twelve-year period of Republican executiveship before Clinton...whoops, there goes your argument.

    Fox News is clearly conservative. That's not ignorance; that's clear fact. True, most media networks are liberally biased. I can't argue that because it's the truth. But this has nothing to do with the presidential debate.

    For the last time, provide a legitimate argument. Back it up with facts, statistics...anything. All you're doing is saying things like "Obama 'wasted' 2 trillion dollars." That is a statement; it is nothing more until you provide evidence that supports it.

    It's obvious that you have no respect for anyone associated with the Democratic Party. You are ignorant; your parents have probably brainwashed you into having a conservative point of view. You have proven nothing here; you've merely made ill-informed statements which I've refuted with ample evidence and logic. Your move, sir.

    Go home. You've brought a knife to a gunfight.
  4. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Fox News Bias #1

    Fox News Bias #2

    Take your pick

    Yes, Bush protected us from fictional WMD attacks and fake terrorist attacks. By continuing this strategy of relentless torture we were giving the terrorists reasons to enlist new recruits into their army. By torturing prisonors, we are in effect spreading terrorism.

    So your alternative is to just wait out this economic crisis and do nothing? If you believe this then you are poorly informed on how the economy works. I know giving out bailouts wasn't the best idea, but at least we're doing something. And you can't judge his presidency on the first 100 days. It's going to take a much longer time to get out of this recession, it might even spill over into the next president.

    Hugo Chavez has his own beliefs about america, beliefs that we may not agree on, but have to respect. I don't think welcoming Hugo Chavez makes Obama weak, rather I think it makes him strong. Strong enough to try to attempt peaceful relations with Chavez rather than blacklist him out of the U.S.

    So you believe torturing (specifically waterboarding people) is right but you don't believe people should know about it?
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Here is what I believe..
    Ok, I am republican and I wanted Mccain in offfice. I am not even close to being racist. If Obama was white it still wouldn't make a difference. The thing is though, that Obama is president and people need to understand that he is going to be in office for at least 4 years now. I dislike him being in office, I do not believe in anything he does, but I am mature enough to understand that he is our president and we should be supporting him and not putting down on him.
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Rain, it was public information that the US has been using waterboarding on suspected Al-Qaeda extremeists since at least 2007, when it was revealed that the CIA was waterboarding their inmates. Obama just took it the right step and banned it. The United States isn't a medieval dungeon. Torture is torture.
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    No. It's causing arnachy, it's causing hatred, it's should never been told to anyone.

    #28 RadiantRain, May 23, 2009
    Last edited: May 23, 2009
  8. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    @El Diablo: [noparse][media]youtube linkage[/media][/noparse]
  9. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    You shouldnt come in to an argument with a completely one sided view. Where is your proof that he has done nothing significant? He has already begun transformation to universal healthcare... something that McCain would have never done. He also has the overwhelming support of the youth, something that no other president has done. Give the guy a break. Srsly...
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Universal healthcare is slightly worrisome to me. Yes, it means 'Free health-care! woohoo everyone loves eachother'. But it also means that the standard of health-care drops significantly, and that it pulls out money from people who actually pay for their own health care. I'd probably enjoy the idea more if the middle-class, those who can't afford to pay for their own health-care, let alone help pay for the health-care of others. Obviously, it's bad that the poorer people can't have health care. I think it'd be great to supply the lower-class with a health care system. I don't think it'd be good at all if you saddle the middle-class with heavier taxes in order to achieve it.

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