Debate Gobama or Nobama ?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Donii, May 20, 2009.

  1. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    Yes or No to Obama, think U.S Made a Good Choice?


  2. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Yes we needed something new .
  3. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    Black people r dee best!

    It's about time someone other than a 90-year-old-white-republican got into the big house. Although Hillary seemed alright, Obama prevailed!
  4. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    omg, ikr, i once made a plan on how to get my family black.

    k back on topic ppl ;D
  5. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yes, we need a black man who has already wasted 2 trillion dollars and has made no significant change to anything...

    Yes, let's get a 40 year old black man, who has no idea what he is doing, and has actually been threatening the security of this country.

    You're an idiot... Lolz
  6. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well thats not as much as Bush wasted and definatly not as much as we would be spending if we were still planning to continue the war cause of war hungry MCaine lol. For significant change there wont be much since the poor guy has all the problems the last idiot left him to deal with. At least He went up to the plate to take on these problems instead of just making things worse and just waiting for his term to be over. Obama will need time to even scratch the surface of this pile of crap he got to watch over lol.
  7. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    That is perhaps the most ignorant comment I've ever read. How can you say that?
  8. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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  9. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Wow, wow!!! Obama is a threat to this country, an idiot of a president, perhaps worse then Bush.

    Bush, increased our national security, he kept us safe, his water-boarding was cruel, but necessary to prevent more terrorist attacks.

    Obama, has put less money on the military, is making the U.S look like a Joke, and was so stupid to actually tell people about the water-boarding and increasing hatred towards Americans, he blamed Bush for the financial mess, but it was just cheap shots, when the scenario was started by Democrats. He is so much of a joke, that now democrats are beginning to question him, watch the news...

    McCain was perhaps a fair president, if you watched the Presidential Election, all of McCain's attacks were true, Obama had more false statements then McCain.

    He has also made over 200 promises, 200. Sounds to me like he just wants us on his side, for a president to make that many promises. McCain was a fair man, if not for the dumb **** Sarah Palin I myself would have had stronger support for him.

    Ignorant, your ignorant for providing no reason on to why it was ignorant, nor for defending your president

    Stop Spamming, I'm not racist... I just don't see Obama doing anything but digging a deeper grave for this country.
    #9 RadiantRain, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  10. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    it wasnt that, it was the fact that you put in the fact that he was black. thats what i found ignorant, whats the difference? Black or white, if you think hes an idiot, say that, you dont have to bring his race into this.
  11. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    So why is Meltyourtv, and you allowed to do it... Hypocrite...
  12. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well Obama is president obviously ,a majority of people think Bush was wrong and that Mcaine would follow the same path. The election is over and the people have spoken. Obama is the man for the job in this nasty little time we have as a result of poor concervative leadership.
  13. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    with me, it wasnt anything to what he was doing right or wrong, it was joke i made with my black friend, and meltyourtv, i didnt even read his post. its just that you brought his race into something that has nothing to do with it.
  14. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    This has nothing to do with the election, I just stated that what he is doing was wrong, then the others bring in McCain... and call me ignorant for pointing out a black man's fault, if Obama was white would I be racist then?

    So you're just spamming in your own debate... Read the rules!

    Race is important, not because it has anything to do with intelligence, but because all the black people voted for him. During the elections they stated "It's good to have one of our kind running for president" Obama had a leverage because black people in America are racist, if he was White it would have been dead even, but off course, because he is black we must all vote for him, because he is black he clearly signifies change.

    If anyone is racist, it's all the people who voted for Obama with the only reason for voting was because "He's black" or because "He's one of our kind"
    #14 RadiantRain, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  15. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    How long was Bush president?

    And how long has Obama been president?

    Over the course of 8 years, Bush spent 11.5 trillion dollars. Obama has been in the presidential office for about 4 months now and has already spent close to 2 trillion dollars. Keep this up and he will greatly surpass Bush.

    Quoted for the damn truth. I am tired of people accusing others as being racist simply because they dislike Obama.
    #15 Blue Pariot, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  16. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    hell yes it would, someone shouldnt be judged whether there black or white, race has nothing to do with it

    i just thought that there was no point to bring up the fact that he was black, your basically saying if he was white that he wouldnt be at fault of what you think.

    well, atleast thats what i think of when i read it.
  17. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yet you ignored the other post, wow... Just wow, you sir are the racist one. You just keep proving to be a hypocrite.
  18. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    i already said, i didnt read that post. im not going to say something when someone else brings it up. ill say something i see. and yeha, what he said isnt right but, im not talking to him atm, im talking to you.
  19. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    So, you allow for someone to bash at white presidents, he said white am I right?

    You ignore it, you don't bring it up once, yet I say the word black, and you bring it up.

    And I will call him black... Because if he was not black he would not be dammed president...
  20. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    How the **** is that ignorant? Do you even know what the word means??

    What. The. ****.

    He increased our national security after we suffered 3,000 casualties in the worst attack on U.S. soil. Good one, Bush.

    I'm not even going to touch your waterboarding comment, as that would be a moral debate.

    Haven't you ever heard of ****ing guns and butter? The entire planet happens to be in a devastating economic crisis. You expect him to supply our military at 100% during such trying times? No president has ever, or will ever, do that.

    He's making the U.S. look like a joke? What the **** are you saying? Provide some examples or back up that statement. How is he making the U.S. "look like a joke?"

    He was wise to release the information about waterboarding. If he hadn't, it would have eventually leaked and it would have been an enormous scandal. The same **** happened during Watergate; maybe you should read up on your history. Nixon would have been fine if he had admitted his involvement with the Plumbers from day one. Instead he denied everything, tampered with evidence, and only gave in after he was brought to the Supreme Court. As a result, he was forced to resign from office under threat of impeachment. More than forty years later, he remains one of America's most hated political figures.

    He blamed Bush for the financial crisis, and he did so rightly. How can you say the Democrats caused this crisis? At least ****ing back up your statement with relevant information. It's obvious that the crisis occurred during Bush's presidency, so how is it not his fault? Give yourself a chance by actually making a point. Cheap shots? How are Obama's criticisms "cheap shots?" I'd be pissed to no end if somebody scratched my car. How can you call it a "cheap shot" to criticize someone who's ****ed up the global economy?!

    Which Democrats are beginning to question him? Provide specific examples. Is Fox News feeding you this utter bullshit? You seem to be inhaling it like air.

    How can you possibly say that? McCain's campaign manager ran one of the dirtiest campaigns in history after he realized that Palin was ****ing up the Republican ticket. Obama was no saint while campaigning, either. That's hardly a relevant argument at all...

    I can't ****ing stand this. You have presented to me one of the most ridiculous, incoherent, and ill-informed arguments I have ever had the misfortune of addressing.

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