CONSTITUTION Name : Constitution Download : : Halo 3 File Details Creator : Sidekickboy Description: Recently refurbished as a monument to the great war, Spartans now train here to prove their selves in armed combat. Constitution is a four-way symmetrical map, set up for bomb and slayer. AR start is probably most favourable for beginners, whereas more advanced players will prefer BR start on this map. (I wouldn't suggest BR start for beginners as it's just too hectic). The map contains four identical bases, with (two spawns, facing each other, and to the sides; an overshield and camoflauge spawn. Each base consists of one BR spawn, and each spawn has one regenerator. Heading down to bottom middle, you will find the rocket spawn. Top mid houses the bomb spawn and shotgun spawn, along with four ledges around the outer edge, two of which contain single SMGs. Gameplay on this map is very fast paced, and players must keep on their toes at all times. Controlling bottom middle is a no-no to any team playing this map, whereas top middle and two of the bases would be ideal. I have used a risk = reward system on weapon placement. The rockets obviously being the dominant weapon in the game, have the higher risk of you dieing, as they are at the bottom and in the middle, offering no cover. The shotgun is precariously placed above the bomb-spawn, and requires two (easy) jumps, however it easier to escape with than the rocket launcher. Battle rifles spawn just below the entrance to each base, meaning the player will have to show their heads to pull one, but there is a little chance of death. SMGs are placed next to a respawn point with the idea that they are slightly more powerful than an AR, and may help somebody who spawns into a sticky situation. All respawn points on the map are set to neutral, besides the starting points and spawns in this room. There are no spawns in the bottom middle area, as a vain attempt to stop repetitive spawn killing, or instant death. Spawn points are placed at higher vantage points, thus the player will not be blown completely to hell before they know where they are. The map is currently set up for 3v3 Slayer and 3v3 Neutral Bomb (I know on the map there are 4 starting spawns. In testing, 4v4 was, uhm.. pretty hectic. I haven't tested 3v3 yet but it should prove a lot better than 4v4. 2v2 would also be something to look into if you DL and play this map. I am thinking of setting this map up for FFA and KOTH if I get good enough feedback on the current (I have played a couple of 1v1s on this map and they work well, the spawns are just funny, so would need editting). Due to the map not taking up the whole of the crypt, I have had to make it unbreakable, I have currently found no way out, and nobody I played with has. If anybody does find a way out, please let me know where and how and I will set about it. Interlocking has been used, but only to make blocking off the map look pretty, no geomerging was used, as it was unnecessary for my idea. I feel, even with little interlocking, this map has been a success, because it plays smoothly and you don't bounce around when crossing onto new planes (I hate that). A little aesthetic touch which I (personally) like, is the top middle section, and the weapon placement of rockets and shotgun, which are suspending using upside-down weapon holders (NEET HUH?!) and the pink/purple light at top mid casts all the mid-map into a light pink colour, which looks kinda nice (haha). After traversing through that wall of text, I'd assume you'd want to rest your eyes, here's some pictures ! The Map Overview (As posted above) Top and bottom middle One of the four bases (Pictured is red spawn) Action Shots Bomb armed My Rockets Much More Better MI3N?! Into Thee Regen Equipment & Weapons - Battle Rifle - x4 (30 second respawn, 2 spare clips, placed at start) SMG - x2 (45 second respawn, 1 spare clip, placed at start) Rocket Launcher - x1 (180 second respawn, no spare clips, placed at start) Shotgun - x1 (180 second respawn, no spare clips, placed at start) Active Camoflauge - x1 (120 second respawn, placed at start) Overshields - x1 (120 second respawn, placed at start) Regenerator - x2 (60 second respawn, placed at start) Here is the download link again, for those of you who missed it at the top : : Halo 3 File Details I'd love any feedback you care to bless upon me, negative or positive, and hope you enjoy the map ! Many Thanks R
This map seems far too small to have both a shotgun and rockets, especially one on top of the other. This looks to be a 2v2 at MAX or a 4 player FFA. I'll have to see if that is true or not while playing it. Will DL and get back to you.
looks good but i have one thing to say, spawn killed much? the br starts is probably a bad idea and you should make a 4 way assault.... actually nevermind thats a stupid idea and you shouldn't do it. the map does look good though. props for that.
Thanks guys Spawn killing doesn't happen that much suprisingly, due to the spawn placement. I had doubts about the shotgun and rockets, however they both have no spare clips, and shooting upwards with the rockets is very hard, and they don't come into play often. The shotgun is use more often, but (this sounds stupid) there is too much open space for it to be 'whored' (Oops, I missed rockets and shotgun from weapon list, I'm on that now) R
This map looks very creative but I agree about the rockets and shotgun. How does that work. 3.5/5: Still nervous bout shotgun and rockets and overshield.
You have to take into account the other team. It is not easy to get the weapons without dying, so they pose little threat (Think of trying to pull a flag in CTF when the whole team is alive). I haven't seen many people grab the shotty, then drop down to the rockets, let alone get out alive. As stated above the pair are on a 180 respawn, and have no spare ammo, so it reduces the amount of weapon whoring. The rockets are pretty much rendered useless (Most of the time you will have to fight to get the rockets, and fight after you pick them up, as with most maps), if somebody is jumping down onto you, chances are you will be killed before the rockets have effect. The shotgun also takes a lot longer to get to than the rockets, therefore it won't come into the game straightaway. I can see this is a problem which people are seeing quite a lot now, and if anything further arises, I will address it (Remove shotty or maybe replace with a mauler or something less powerful) R