Alot of you might not be aware of Konakids racetrack: Tritons Twist, but recently I discovered that somebody is claiming that it is their own. So please, I urge you to click this link and report the map, and if possible tag it with stolen map for example. Konakid undoubtedly work his ass off on this and it shouldn't be stolen from him.
I would report it, but there's no link. I'll make a tag Konakid's Map and everyone agree on it. EDIT: Here's the Link.
Tagged it Stolen from Konakid, and added one ag to each of the ones already there. Epic, you are an idiot, but we still love you... Edit- I rated it, its now down to 44%
poeple who steal maps are pathetic..alot of thought time and hard work goes into most maps and other ppl think thety cna jsut steal it..stupid
Why dont we set up a map stealing thread so everyone can provide a link to the stolen map and as a community we will report it, they seem to listen to big surges of reports for one thing
Map Burglar I've just rated it 1 as well. Down to 33% now. Somebody has tagged it with the phrase "Map Burglar". I thought that was hilarious. Click the link and agree with that tag.
28% Maybe bungie should put the forgehub comunity in charge of map theft we seem to be catching alot lately.
If we make one thread I guarantee it won't give stolen maps as much attention as they would get if they each got their own thread. The way we're doing it now works fine.
hes has a point if this did have its own thread there would be too many maps in one thread for people to bother doing anything..they would see a long list and think...naaahh im maybe a sub forum or somthing i dunno
Oh, I didn't see the link on the Bungie page. I feel like a fool. Edit: Rated, commented agreed with tags. That sucker is going down.
taged and angrily commented on This would be a really good Idea, but there probably wouldn't be too many stolen maps that we would find, so uless we got bungie to send their stolen complaints to us, it probs wouldn't work as well as posts like these.