Debate Capitalism v. Communism

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Silent oo death, May 20, 2009.

  1. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    I know that most people on the website, being of eastern, english speaking people, will probably be for capitalism. However, i want you to consider both sides of the argument before making up your mind. In schools we are taught that communism is bad, something that needs containing. However do you know the principals. I'll probably be the only one arguing for communism but IDC. (BTW I'm an american)

    This is the debate of the economic principles of communism and capitalism, not the debate of democracy and communism

    #1 Silent oo death, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  2. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    The reason we're taught it's bad, is for the people in charge of the communists is always belligerent, incompetent, and retarded. Communism is a great concept, in which people don't need to compete, or kill for money. In which people are equal from rights to labor to money. But throughout world history the person administering the communist propaganda, and party is just wrong for the position. Invading countries to forcefully manipulate them is something not to do, why the UN prevents such endeavors. As I'm also American. I've been told that communism is a great proposal just administered very poorly.
    #2 Playerhata27, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  3. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    See but the reason why is that the core essence of communism is a misguided one. Its not that all communist leaders are inherently corrupt, but that communism comes in part of a revolution of the mistreated to overthrow the abusers. Unfortunately most revolutionary leaders, to remain in power they use means of brutality and corruption. If a stable goverment, more or less like that of the USA, were to convert i think we would have no problem.
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yes, you love the idea of getting coupons weekly to buy specific foods, and wait hours in a line just to get one item.

    Communism is the opposite of Freedom, and should not be used.

    Millions died from communism, and no one should be supporting communism if they don't know every single aspect of it, which you don't.

    You would live in a small house, you would have a small car, you would have one small T.V, you would make no money for whatever job you choose.
  5. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Instead you have the possibility of a small house, a small car, and one small TV. In capitalism you have the chance of getting those things. You could have a lot worse. Many Americans live below the poverty line or are unemployed, especially in these times. Millions die of capitalism. It can just as easily be said the other way around. Also, to where you said that i shouldn't support communism without knowing every little thing about it, well you don't know everything about capitalism. People can debate with as much or as little knowledge of a thing as they want to. It just makes for flimsy arguments that fall apart.
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yes, but in capitalism, work does matter. You can set the path of your life the moment you are born. It's not up to the government to decide.

    Like I said, communism should not be used. I would hate the idea of having to wait hours in lines to buy one item, given a coupon book to buy food for the week.

    I'd hate to have a predetermined future from the government. Communism is only good for building up the military since the government can calculate the expenses to almost exact precision each year.

    Communism is horrible Russia collapsed, and China is at the verge of a revolt over communism...
  7. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    No... apparently its for the conditions of your birth to decide. If you're born into a community where you have to work before you even graduate high school to support your family because your dad left your mom when she had you. Because you're born into an inner city society where gangs are all you know. Where you live in a state like West Virginia where getting a full education is almost unheard of. Where you're working in the mines before you can do better.

    I'm not sure what you're talking about i've never heard anything like that so im not going to argue for or against. If you decide to argue more on it please link source to whatever you say.

    Whats so wrong with a predetermined life of a surety that you will never be hungry from an inability to get a job? Most homeless people are not lazy people who won't work but people who can't work because of situations that had arisen from capitalism. Think about most job applications... what do they have on it? Address, phone number, references. All these things that you would not have if you had no home.

    Russia failed, not because of government, but because of their economy. They live in a spot where its hard to get money, and that's one of the things you need to have a stable government. As for china, well i think you're mistaken i have heard no such thing. (please source if respond)
    #7 Silent oo death, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  8. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    In theory Communism is a good idea, in practice not so.

    Even if you find the kindest most endearing person to be in charge of communism, they still control your money, and someone will have to take over eventually, and they may not be as kind with it.

    I also believe that capitalism is also a great expression of individuality, and promotes working hard to earn good money, getting an education, competing with other businesses to lower prices on goods. I feel that a once capitalist country changed communism would actually be a very depressed nation (in mood, not in wealth), seeing as they only get up to get to work, and receive the same pay as everyone else, and have enough money for the same clothes.

    It has been misconstrued as evil, which it is not, but it is still not the correct way to have a countries economy handled. That being said, some programs should be socialist, because a balance is always the best way to run a country.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Since when do school teach you communism is bad?
  10. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    What about socialism? :(
    Anyways, here is mu quick summary of Capitalism and Communism.
    Let's assume real quick, that every leader will either help the country or hurt it as a whole. With capitalism, since the people choose the leader, we will always get leaders who do something in the middle - help it slightly, or hurt it slightly. You can never get a very bad or very good leader, because the system of checks and balances (as well as the multi-party system) limit his power.
    Communism, on the other hand, is much less limited. This means that leaders have the opportunity to help the country a lot, but also to hurt a country a lot.
    So, if we look at it this way, both systems have an equal potential to hurt and help a country. The difference is that it is much easier to hurt a country than it is to help it. If we look at a country before and after 5, chances are the country will be just about the same as it was before. If we have 5 communist leaders, on the other hand, a single bad leader could lead to the country collapsing and major reforms being made.

    This thread should be changed to include Socialism, which I think is the best form of government. I would love to see more countries adopt a very moderate form of socialism - higher taxes, with much of this money being given back to the people through things like healthcare and insurance.
  11. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    How can you attribute Communism to the fall of the Soviet Union? The USSR was an administratively unstable empire.
  12. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    My civics teacher bitches about this all of the time. He is a diehard conservative and he always talks about how people have to only take care of themselves. He also has this fantasy that healthcare in countries with free healthcare such as Canada, France, and England have bad healthcare. I've seen Michael Moore's "Sicko", and although Moore might have a political bias, people in those countries were very happy with their healthcare, and in France they even have doctors that will come to your house.

    In conclusion, I think an economic system leaning towards socialism is key along with universal healthcare.
  13. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    We could always keep our system for officials. Like I said, most communist governments started corrupt. Rabid I think you hit the nail dead on the head with the slight and major changes. I still think that if we had communism we'd be much better off.

    To Randal I think you should read this quote
    What this means to me is that in capitalism you can be free to express yourself up to the point if profits the upper class. I have heard the term "starving artist" so many times its ridiculous. The artists does as well as people pay him. His "individuality" will go straight to the point where he cannot buy his paints because his drawings weren't "individual" enough. A band, another of the greatest shows of individuality will only get a record deal if their tunes are catchy and will sell well. Otherwise they must find something else, of profit to be individual in.

    To Hotpokkaminny since 7th grade and im in 9th now.
    #13 Silent oo death, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  14. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Communism makes hard workers have to share their profit with lazy moochers. Capitalism > communism in that sense of to much equality.
  15. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    If everyone's moochin' off your money, why not quit and let the government pay for your life? People may argue that communism makes people sad, but they are only looking at it from one view (that being the view from the upper class). Think about the lower class in inescapable poverty that suddenly get a second chance. Communism may be bad for the individual, but it is better for the society.
  16. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    What if everyone just "quit" the government makes everyone work especialy women and children. theres no quiting just everyone having the same money and land and never getting anywhere.
  17. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    And this is where the decision comes in: would you rather help yourself or help your society? This quesiton defines the difference between capitalism and communism. If you only help yourself, then only you benefit; but if you help your society, then in turn you end up helping yourself by helping to bring up your whole society.
  18. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    In America we have morals, where these morals guide our action. If we turned communist all of our morals would not disappear. We would not begin to force children to work. What some people don't seem to realize is that communism is both an economic philosophy and a government. I'm not arguing against Democracy just capitalism. I <3 democracy i really do. I just don't like capitalism
  19. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    like i said el diablo, this is Communism vs capitalism not democracy vs communism
  20. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    Under non-democratic governments.

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