MLG Cake De Lie (Version 1)

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by poopiedeloopie, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    MLG Cake De Lie
    Created by PoopieDeLoopie
    Supported Gametypes:
    MLG Team Slayer (5v5 maximum)
    I strongly reccomend 3v3 or 4v4 though.
    This is the only supported gametype, this will change within the next week, I will update this with version 2.
    Map Description
    A well balanced competitive MLG style map. Both teams start on one side and fight for control of the sniper tower. Most of the game will be centered around gaining and maintaining control of the sniper tower. Though this is be the main part of the map, it isn't too overpowered. The key feature of the map is the teamwork needed to gain control or maintain control of the sniper tower area. Many strats can be used and will be used on this map. This map allows creativity in how you play the map. You don't have to control the sniper tower, this is just the usual strat used, there are many other ways to win on this map. This map is for hardcore competetive gamers, but is easy to figure out how to get around, so can be open for casual players too.
    I personally think these images don't show off the map's true gameplay potential, it's a map that you should really try if you like competetive maps. I took a lot of time balancing and perfecting this map for competetive gamers.
    Looking At Sniper Tower From Side
    Overview of Sniper Tower
    Building Across From Sniper Tower
    Alley Between Sniper Tower and Opposing Building
    Invis Guy Walking Across the Ledge Ready to Unleash a Suprise Attack
    View From Spawn A
    This map contains various well placed and balanced Carbines, BRs and 4 Plasma Granades. Main control weapons on map are a Sniper, a Mauler, and Active Camo.
    In case you were wondering, the map name is extremely random. Cake of Lie. Reference To Portal....only thing I could think of when thinking of a name :)
    NOTE: I have taken the turrets (That can be seen in the screenshots) out.
    Download MLG Cake De Lie

    PLEASE LEAVE HONEST, HELPFUL, CONTRUCTIVE, AND LEGNTHY COMMENTS. I really want to perfect this map for you and for myself. When I make maps, I make them for my friends and I to play too, so if you find a glitch, a cheap stratagey, or anything that may ruin the competitive gameplay experience, PLEASE tell me.

    Senior Member

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    i thought mlg didnt use active camo?
  3. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    I read in multiple posts on this message board that it is used. But if this is true, please clarify this, and I will make some adjustments to take out the Active Camo and keep the map balanced at the same time.

    P.S. Sorry if my sentance structure is horrible right now, its 3am and I am so tired :\

    Senior Member

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    i could be wrong in all honesty, i dont really know a whole lot about mlg.
  5. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    OK, thanks though, I will definately look into this, I will receck all the most current MLG Maps and see if Active Camo is used in any. Thanks for your concern though, I appriciate it greatly :)

    JASONYO Ancient
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    pourquoi est-ce qu'il est un MLG map
    #6 JASONYO, Mar 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2008
  7. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    This is an unofficial MLG Map, it's just designed for MLG Gametype:
    Meets weapon and map qualifications, etc.
  8. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    alright you ased for a lengthly comment so i'll try my best. alright from the look of it i don't realy get the feeling of a tower from the sniper place i see it more as a box, and interlocking could help this map. also i'm just wondering why you used the back you could have used a section to the side for spawns and blocked the back of because my guess is that you just left it open and filled it with respawns. glad that you took the turret out it just would control the gameplay to much. also i'm not a big fan of weapon holders I think it's more real if you place it on the ground or lean it against something. also the building with the mauler, is the only way (without special jumps) to get up there from jumping down from the teleporter part above it? but it does look good for MLG

    p.s. i'm not a big fan of MLG so i couldn't really comment on gameplay.
  9. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    Well, I guess your right, I should have just called is Sniper Spawn or something.

    I dont really get what interlocking is for, just seems like for visuals, because whenever I interlock it seems to make the surface more bumpy almost , maybe I'm not doing it correctly(because I would make the boxes upsidedown when I interlocked to make it seem even smoother, maybe that way doesn't work). But I will definately do that in Version 2 or 3.

    When you say 'the back' do you mean the area behind the sniper spawn? If you do, I put it there for stratagey purposes, not percisely for spawns.

    I totally agree with the weapon holder things, but it just makes them more visable, because even with the weapon holder when I was test playing the level, people didn't even notice the mauler, untill they asked of its location when they saw other using it. I might lay the sniper against the wall in Version 2 though.

    And you can get up by jumping off the box inside the building tunnels. You jump off the box where the Active Camo spawns.

    And for the gameplay, basically, all you have to do, is get a game of 3v3 or 4v4, and play Team Hardcore (No Radar, No Assault Rifles, Start with BR only), there are damage differences like 110% damage and 90% shield regen speed, but if you dont feel like changing those, its ok, it basically just adds more stratagic gameplay, and makes the mauler and carbine more useful.

    Thank You for your feedback its very helpful. Thank you so much!
  10. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Ok well this has a few problems just from the looks. Its far too big for a sucessful 4V4. From the looks of it you have used the full foundry area, which would happily accomodate a 6v6, especially on MLG.

    An MLG map would have to be the smoothest and easiest to navigate of all the map syles. Your map doesnt look very easy to navigate, and it certainly isnt smooth, i recommend you use the interlocking technique on almost all of the scenery you have placed, and turn all the closed double and single boxes upside down, because the bottom is flatter and looks more appealing.

    Also i dont think this map is suited for MLG. MLG maps have tight regulations to make them work, and i dont think this map matches them.

    It seems alot of people are just branding thier maps with MLG, with the hope of more downloads from a competative audience, or as an excuse to place less weapons. I dont know.

    All i know is if you can sucessfully create a working balanced arena, it should accomodate MLG quite nicely.
  11. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    6v6 would be way to chaotic for a map that is supposed to be tactical, it isn't that big of a map to be honest. If you actually play it you will see how it actually seems smaller when in battle. And did you know FOUNDRY is in the Doubles matchmaking, it doesn't appear often, but its there, and it works better for doubles than for 5v5 in my opinion, go figure

    It runs smooth when you walk on it, which is all that matters for me, it may not look it, but it is, trust me, I might make it more visual in Version 2, I just wanted to get the gameplay down first and ask for comments to improve that.

    Its pretty simple to negotiate once you know the map. If you have some examples of how its difficult, please explain so I can work to make it easier.

    Which tight regulations are you talking about that mine doesn't have exactly? I tested this map on MLG settings, and made sure it was very tactical and balanced for both teams in every situation. I only used 2 power weapons, No vehicles, etc.

    I don't really care about downloads as much as competitive players enjoying this map if they happen to download it, I don't care about quantity, just how happy the niche audience likes it.

    I kinda made this because their arn't many good Team Based maps posted here. Most of them are just very aesthetic and work better for free-for-all. Or if they are very team based, seem a bit too linear. The ones I usually like are MLG maps that people make. Not to say thats WHY they were good, it just seemed they were always by people who enjoy competitive teamwork.

    Please elaborate more on your post, I will be happy to work the changes into the map once I understand. Thanks for the lengthy comment, I appreciate it, hope you get back to me :)
  12. ZRDragoon

    ZRDragoon Ancient
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    The map could use some merging, a long with less shield doors.

    MLG despises shield doors.
  13. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    I just have the two as a temporary spawn kill preventors on top of the building, Im working on a different spawn kill stopper, just wanted to get the map out for oppinions on the gameplay. I might take out the ones in the tunnel though, that may be a good idea.

    Thanks for your comments, any more gameplay suggestions are much appreciated, I am deffinately taking them into acount.

    And everyone is saying interlocking, so that will be the first thing I do with version 3!

    Version 2 will just update the gameplay and such, Version 3 visuals.

    And can everyone download before they comment, on Bungie, it says there are 0 downloads. It may just be wrong or something, I dont know.
    This is really a gameplay based map so you need to experience it in action to get the full picture of what the map is like.
  14. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    Version 2 is coming out soon, any last suggestions?
  15. El Capitaine

    El Capitaine Ancient
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    Your map title just begs it:

    The cake is a lie.
  16. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    'De' is 'of' in spanish. So the title is Cake of Lie. I did that on purpose :O
  17. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    The reason Foundry works for doubles is because Foundry default setup is made for 4-8 people, but a custom map can be arranged to suit less or more people using the default map size. For example, Side Longest (a featured map) is a BTB battle that runs flawlessly on Foundry. Map doesn't always play a big as it is, just look at Construct. It is probably the size of a big map like Standoff, but since all the action happens upstairs, it plays much smaller.

    Technically, AC is allowed in MLG, but I think it is only used in Guardian. It isn't recommended.

    Interlocking isn't just for looks. It makes gameplay smoother, which is a must for MLG.
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Hey, sorry its taken so long for me to look at your maps, I've been side tracked. I'm in the city right now, so I'll run through them on Monday and let you know what I think.
  19. poopiedeloopie

    poopiedeloopie Ancient
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    Nice, its ok.

    I had a LAN Party yesterday :)

    Hooked up a couple TVs, played Halo 1, Halo 2, RainbowSix Vegas 2, COD4 and some xbox live arcade games.

    Then when we were done with those we played Halo 3 on my maps. I think the maps work really good on MLG setting, better than if you just play normal Team Slayer. Having a BR at all times, and then not having the radar to help you makes the map even better and more strategic.

    Did I send you two maps or just one? I cant remember =\

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