ok this is odd, i have a CTF map with 2 bases. One is red the other is blue, I have set the spawns for one to attackers and the other to defenders and they work....the only issue is that you spawn at the opposite team. Red player spawns at blue base. I switched them from defenders to attackers and so on so they spawn at the right base and that fixes it. However when i save the map this way and start a new game...spawns in the opposite base again, so now matter how many times i fix it, its always opposite in a new game and im forgeing in the CTF playlist so...???
are you starting a new game in forge or an actual customgame because wen playin in forge it doesnt matter what team your on it will just spawn you were ever a spawn point is but usually in CTF i think red team is defence
its a new game in forge. I quess that could be it, but then how come it fixes and blue spawns in blue everytime and same with red in forge but the new game in forge makes me spawn in the opposite base everytime? its like this: -new forge game = red spawns at blue and blue spawns at red -fixes by switching the spawns to the opposite team and it works correctly -saves and starts new forge game -spawns opposite again and its a sure thing everytime. If im blue and i die ontop of a blue spawn ill respawn at red base 100% everytime.
When you go into customs you must select the new version of the map from you maps list. Otherwise it'll put on the last played version. (not the most recent saved one)
i edited my post with more info because its not a forge to custom game issue. edit: well after some tweaking it works in custom games so i dont know haha but its working now