Dizzy Thinks: Pirate Bay founders invent the DDo$ Attack Ingenious, the guys at pirate bay have just slapped law in the face, I mean their actually going to buy their own country to bypass copyright laws lmao, I mean their buying an island for a website lmao ;p Good on them!
I'm with you Nitrous, and I found this in one of the linked articles on the subject: Link to that more in depth discussion of the plan can be found here
Distributed Denial of Dollars... I lollergasmed when I saw that, no joke. That is just amazing. I can't wait for someone to post a DDo$ script on HY! lololol
What the...? I've only just started with this torrenting and sharing and stuff. I'm already buried under random jargon such as RSS Feeds and Port Forwarding and the stupid doanload system that doesn't work and seeds and leechers and all kinds of ****. I might abort now, btu i kind of want to know. Can anyone help?
That's so genius. On topic of Pirate Bay, I remember that after this happened, 4chan took down maqs.com, which is the law firm that prosecuted pirates bay.
That's the greatest thing I have ever read. But I wonder if they'll get another law suit for this, even though they are not acting in part of it. They could sue the government, I guess...